Correction to that last message: The Access Queen Fund was able to
provide support funding for…
Six “Askers” in 2002 and six in 2003!
Thanks again to all,
L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
+01 510 548-8449
-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Lisa
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: Access Queen Thanks You All... (long)
Hello, dear colleagues –
Now that I’ve returned home and settled, I wanted to share with you a
post- OSonOS “Swenmark” report – the story of how some of you bravely
and with faith asked for support to get to this year’s OSonOS, and how
some others of you creatively and generously offered your resources to
actualize their dreams.
[a little disclaimer here – please forgive me if I’ve spelled your name
wrong or made a little error below – there were so many names and faces
to learn at once in Swenmark, though I’ll never forget your
personalities, faces, generosity and energy…!]
- - -
A little background
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As many of you know, Access Queen is a way to raise funds for people who
wish to get physically to one of our annual global gatherings. I think
of the Access Queen fund as similar to the folktale, “Stone Soup”, where
a traveler comes to a small village and creates an amazing soup with
just a ‘magical’ stone and some water.  He does this by inviting the
townspeople to each contribute a little bit of something — a potato, a
carrot, some chicken.
The money that you contribute to does not provide all the money for
these traveler-askers –just that little bit that makes the difference –
such as pocket money for someone where the value of currency at the
OSonOS site is much higher than their own home currency.  
Access Queen also raises *resources* by sharing who needs and who has –
such as frequent flyer miles, homestays at the OSonOS location, or a
someone who can buy accommodation for two and share it with an Asker for
The Access Queen Fund was able to provide resources and a bit of support
money to 6 “Askers” at OSonOSinOZ 2003.  Pretty good for it’s first
year, eh? thanks to many generous people.
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Since OSonOSinOZ 2002
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This year *before* OSonOS the “AQFund” already had in it some money
raised by Alan Stewart (Australia)’s sales of his book at the 2002
OSonOSinOZ Global Village Marketplace tables (this is where OSonOSers
bring art, books, poetry and more from their homelands to sell to raise
money at the OSonOS for their own travel costs and/or for the Access
Queen Fund).  Later during this year the AQFund received thoughtful and
generous contributions from Open Space Institutes of Australia and
Canada, donations from the sale of Kerry Napuk and Eddie Palmer
(Scotland)’s new book, contributions from delightful Ashley Cooper (US)
and from the sale of Florian Fisher (Germany)’s poetry.  
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At OSonOS Swenmark 2003
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*At* OSonOS (Swenmark) we had our Third Annual Global Village
Marketplace, which had everything in it from ornamental eggs to poetry.
We also had our First Annual Silent Auction – where OSonOSers brought
handmade items like Michelle Cooper (Canada)’s hand-made book cover and
Judi Richardson(Canada)’s hand-knitted teddie bears, home-made Turkish
music cds (Nuran’s husband Halil, Germany), videos and cds donated by
the Open Space Institute of US, Mikk Sarv’s Estonian cranberry wine, our
Haitian colleagues’ work-in-progress of an upcoming video on Open Space
and discussion circles in Haiti, home-cooked items, jewelry, poetry,
services and more – and whomever over two days offered the highest
amount of money ‘won’ the item and contributed the amount to the Access
Queen Fund.  Thank you for your ‘winning’ bids Antti-Juhani Wihuri
(Finland), Inge Stuck Jorgensen (Denmark), Koos de Heer (The
Netherlands), Hannah Himan Pessah (Israel), Erich Kolenaty (Austria),
Rob Chappell (England) and Marianne Matsgard (Sweden), among other
generous souls (and if I’ve missed anyone from my hastily hand-written
notes just name yourselves so we can thank you!  Wonderful people like
Gail West (Taiwan), Eva Swensson and Agneta Falk (Sweden) just pressed
money and items into my hand for the Fund.  And even more amazing and
creative things rose out of all that energy – Alexander Schilling gave
capoeira lessons (a Brazilian mix of martial arts, acrobatics and
dance), Koos gave massages, Jessica Nilsson (Sweden) gave salsa dance
lessons, and Agneta Setterwal (Sweden) even found a ring and when it
wasn’t claimed bought it to raise money for the AQFund!
- - -
Who the Access Queen Fund was able to help
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With all this support and nutrition, dreams and resources this year’s AQ
fund helped 6 people with just the extra funding they needed to get to
“Swenmark”, lower-income individuals from US, Germany, Canada, Sweden
and Demark!  
Total raised pre- and during OSonOS Swenmark for AQFund was $1,778 US
which equals (in honor of where we’ve been and where we will be next
€1,778    ± 13,197 Danish Kroner     ± 16,207 Swedish Kronor     ±
88,409 Indian Rupees
- - -
Seed money for OSonOS Goa 2004
- - -
After income and expenses, 2004 OSonOS Goa AQ Fund  has a grand total
remaining of $430 US
equals €430    ± 2,934 DK     ± 3,605 SK     ± 19,672  Indian Rupees
…in the Fund for Askers hoping to go to Goa!
- - -
So: What comes next
-         - --
It’s going to take the same kind of energy and creativity to build the
AQ Fund for Goa.  I am sure that some of you are starting to count your
rupees now to build your own funds.  Now is the time to set your
intention – that’s part of the way to achieve your dreams, as Marei
(Germany), Inge and others did in the center of our closing circle in
Swenmark, saying “I’ll see you in Goa!”.
If you sell anything; if you have frequent flyer miles building up; if
you are funded by healthy funding sources such as a business or a rich,
rich lover… ;o)    Feel f-r-e-e  to send money to the AQ Fund at any
time from now to Goa.  Contact me directly regarding this.  If you are
in touch with organizations which can provide resources (plane flights
or funding) please contact them directly and raise some money for Askers
in your own marvelous ways.
Or do as our colleagues Jessie Yen Ju Skian and and Shu-Fang Tsai are
doing in Taiwan – start a regional Access Queen Fund and tell us how it
Whether electronically or in-person, our support is shared and it is
felt in very real terms, as you know.  Whether next year you are in
Raleigh, North Carolina or in Goa, India or in front of your computer in
your own home town, I’ll ‘see’ you in Goa.  Thank you so much for your
generous, creative, brave and spirited selves,
(also known as Access Queen)
L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
+01 510 548-8449
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