Hello all,
I made the below post to the .net wiki and find myself checking back to see if 
anyone has responded...nope! Now i'm moving it over here to this forum. If you 
have any insight, please share.

Thank you :-)

I find myself thinking about the use of the Internet in maintaining connections…
between individuals and communities of all types and sizes. Reflection upon my 
experience as an online participant at OsonOS? arose as an example. It seems 
that a new and unique opportunity to maintain a varying degree of involvement 
in a community is being made available …wrapped complete with a real time 
option (and can I even say bounded by passion and responsibility?).
Often I find my mind wandering to a place outside of my physical surroundings, 
a thought of a person, event, or far-away-land slips in. When I notice it, I 
like to spend some time “visiting” in that space. When events that I would like 
to participate in are occurring, I often send part of myself to “visit.”
I notice how many choices were made available regarding the extent to which one 
is invited to participate in OsonOS?. I have the invitation to physically move 
my body to Swenmark and the many choices that follow there. I also have the 
invitation to stay at my house and participate online. Should I choose to be 
physically absent, I still have the ability to be involved for as many or as 
few moments as I would like. For myself, I know that while the extent to which 
I communicate…make myself visible…may vary, my energy is just as present as if 
I were in the room (though in a very different way).
Previous conferences I might have just “visited” in the way mentioned above. 
However, with this conference I had the opportunity to check-in in a whole 
different manner. I wonder about the onsite participants and what it was like 
for them to feel online participants adding to the occasion. In what ways was 
that addition of attention, intention, passion, ????? experienced?

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