Hi - thought I make use of the experts here for a few questions:

Some of you I've met in Denmark and I like to say 'Hello' to all the dear 
people I've come to know there. They might remember me with the feathers in the 
The other's I hope to see in Goa ;-)

Here's the challenge (for me - my biggest os ever):

370 pupils and teachers in a room, trying to find topics for a project week to 
follow a month or so later (topic of the week is: "Living and working in 
diversity between profession and education worldwide" or similar, in 
German:'Leben und arbeiten in Vielfalt zwischen Beruf und Ausbildung weltweit')


1. How many session areas do we have to cater for: 20-25?

2. How many pin-boards do we need?

3. Does that fit into a gym at all (I'll only find out about the size this week 
when I check out the place) and there's a second gym next to it for session 

I've been online a few hours to find material about it (thank you Koos for the 
smart room-size-calculator - how about row four and five?) and it would help a 
lot if you could give exact details on where to spot suggestions so that the 
search-time is less...  please

4. Are there any written success-stories on schools who apply os 'sustainably', 
i.e. with all the teacher's being convinced about it more than once?

5. any hints on making it not too big a material battle? (we're only handing 
out a few comprehensive reports per class to start with)

Thanks a lot for your suggestions already.
I'll be travelling from Thursday to next Tuesday in case you wonder why I 
remain quiet...

kind regards ~ Ilse

- Creaethical Consulting -
Seeschwalbentwiete 13
22119 Hamburg
Tel. +49 40 7367 1328
email: ilse.deb...@t-online.de


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