Hot off the press.  Thanks to the editor, Joelle Everett...

STORIES, The Newsletter of the Open Space Institute (US)

Issue 6, October, 2003


Purpose of the Newsletter

The purpose of the newsletter is to make our stories available to each other so 
that we continue to learn and grow.  We hope they will serve you for education, 
examples, connection and pleasure.


This newsletter is intended for the use of friends and members of the Open 
Space Institute (US).  It may be reproduced in any useful way with 
acknowledgement.  When copying, please include the author/contact/publication 
information at the end of each story.


In This Issue


1-Three Short Stories About My Journey Within Open Space

2-Open Space Applied to Cross-Cultural New Product Development

3-Footprints In the Wind

4-Another Lesson in Letting Go

5-Be Prepared to Be Surprised

6-Living in Invitation

7-Coming Events





Mikk Sarv, OS Facilitator, Estonia




November, the 10th of 2001 found me sitting in Open Space, the opening circle 
of Scottish Community Woodland annual conference in the small township of 
Dalbeattie.  The space was opened by Lars Johansson, a Swedish environmental, 
forestry and media activist.  He followed Harrison Owen's User's Guide, but 
didn't mention either the bumblebees or the butterflies. He himself attended 
himself a working group on international co-operation and communication between 
community woodland groups in Scotland, Sweden, Estonia and Russia, made 
proposals and presentation. This breakout group had high energy, everything 
seemed to be easily implied and realised. 


The reports were made on flip charts and  hung on the walls of  the big hall, 
shot by digital camera and were supposed to be available on the website. For some reason it didn't work out 
properly. The report from the conference reached me by post nine months later, 
in August 2002.


But being part of the whole process got me interested to peek more deeply into 
it. So I went to my brother's internet bookshop, typed in Harrison 
Owen, and found more fascinating books. I ordered several books, including the 
Power of the Spirit.


There I found Harrison's five stages of organisation development, which 
resembled for me five stages of personal development from our Estonian 
tradition.   For us whatever development starts from verbalising its topic

with one's own tongue, so the Tongue equals with Harrison's Body level. Also in 
Open Space it's essential, that everyone says aloud with own tongue the topic 
he/she is burning for.


The second level has in our tradition the same name as in Harrison's gradation 
- the Mind. Whatever has been settled by tongue has to be kept in mind in order 
to carry it through towards realisation. The breakout discussion happens only 
when one keeps in mind to be in right time in the break-out space indicated and 
to convene the discussion.


The third level is called by Harrison Intellect, in our tradition it is called 
Heart. Both the Intellect and the Heart are needed for completion.

The discussion in a breakout group concludes with a report. Writing a report is 
an intellectual effort, which has to be made through heart, with full 


The fourth level is again the same in our tradition and in Harrison's concept - 
the Soul. In OS context one can say, that the Soul gives endurance, 
sustainability, to the things brought out in reports. It could be compared with 
convergence, which makes a way out for what was discussed.


The last one is Spirit for Harrison, in our tradition it is the lodging for 
Soul. In OST process it might be connected with the follow-up meeting six weeks 
later. The power of the Spirit becomes reality, when it has lodging in our 
reality even after six weeks.


This got me to work more with OST, as I have been working with our tradition 
for about thirty years and OS was for me the most fascinating branching way to 
walk along, with curiosity and admiration.


 The Trees Talking Through Me


Two months after my first OS in Scotland I attended an intensive course of 
Process Oriented Psychology in Portland, Oregon (US). I found accommodation in 
the lovely family of Leslie and Morna Wierson.  After the first overnight stay 
in their house I realised next day during our course exercises, that one tree 
in their garden is intensively calling for me. At the night of that day, having 
a family dinner in a Sushi restaurant together with Les, Myrna and their 
daughter Marchi, I told them about my experience of the call of tree.


At that time I didn't know what tree it might be, but Les smiled and said he 
knows, what tree it is. Next morning I woke up early and got out to garden to 
look for the tree. First I assumed that it might be some pine or spruce, as I 
had earlier experienced them to be beneficial and close to me. But walking near 
to a thirty years old Western Red Cedar I felt such a strong pull, like 
yelling: "It's me, it's me!" 


I was a bit surprised, but sat down to the tree. I took my flute and tried out, 
what melodies are flowing around and through us. They were beautiful and 
fascinating. I went to the tree every morning and we learned together many 
wonderful tunes.


After our first meeting with the cedar I went to have breakfast with Leslie. He 
confirmed, that that was just the tree he mentioned last night and told me the 
story of it. When they were building their house, the cedar was a small 
sapling, supposed to take off. It was saved by their daughter Marchi.


One night Marchi gave me a small hand-made book of her poems. For me most 
fascinating was the poem on loose list, not bound into the book. Next morning I 
got from the Cedar a melody to sing it. Since then I use this specific song for 
preparing myself to open or close space. For me it postulates the right 
attitude towards people, participating in Open Space:


I Think

--By Marchi Wierson


I think by telling you I love you,

I can protect some part of us.

I think by being grateful,

I can keep us safe from harm.

I want to draw a circle,

Around us,

To shield us.

I want to keep you safe from hurt.

Every day,

I want to tell you I love you,

And I want you to believe.


The experience with the cedar opened me up to listen to the melodies and 
stories, what the trees are singing and telling to me. I have introduced many 
people to trees and vice versa, trees to people. We are all connected together, 
we are all part of the same life flowing through us.




My brother Tonn Sarv, reading some Harrison's books I bought through his 
bookshop, asked me to facilitate open space about more reasonable ordering of 
foreign books for Estonian libraries. The conference was sponsored by his 
bookshop Krisostomus and Viljandi Cultural Academy. About 70 participants came 
from our National Library, University Libraries and small rural libraries. The 
presentations were prepared by participants from big libraries. Their topics 
were published on the conference website two weeks beforehand.


I asked Michael Hermann for permission to use for the conference the wiki web space. He agreed, even though the language of 
the proceedings is Estonian, and not understood by other users of


The format of OsonOS Swenmark wiki web was excellent and fascinating for me. I 
translated it to Estonian and asked sponsors to invite participants to sign in 
there. It made sense for them to have such a flexible and interactive web space 
prepared for conference. Still the use of the space wasn't very active -- 
possibly people are not much used to the format. Writing down the reports to 
the web deprived the writers from opportunity to attend other break-out 
sessions. Next time it might be good to try to write the reports 
simultaneously, with wi-fi internet connected laptop computers during the 
break-out sessions.


We got 12 break-out sessions, some with four attendants, others with thirty to 
forty. The convergence was for a while a problem for me, as the time was 
limited, and the web-site reports were more short summaries than numbered 
proposals easy to vote. Then I proposed the voting by raising hands, to 
prioritise the 12 break-out topics. Everyone got five votes; if they wanted to 
give more than one vote to one topic, they announced it. The voting selected 
rapidly out three topics, which were recommended for further consideration.


Mikk Sarv    

for STORIES, the Newsletter of the Open Space Institute (US)




David S. Morgan 

The Trinity Group, Organization & Leadership Consulting, LLC, USA 


Annotation:  For nearly six months the product development efforts of two 
product development teams; one located in the United States and the other in 
Holland, struggled to develop a common purpose and identity, to develop and 
communicate, and to create a common language from which they could collaborate 
on technical discussions and resolve technical issues.


Background: This firm is part of the semiconductor equipment industry. The 
industry is well into a 24-month recession. Generally known for its product and 
process innovations, the semiconductor industry is highly competitive and 
depends a great deal on its ability to innovate and develop leading edge 
products in short development cycles. A successful semiconductor company is 
arguably one that is a technology and innovation leader in its respective 
market segment.


Challenge: A combination of events; including the industry downturn, recent 
merger activities, significant leadership changes, and the multi-culture nature 
of the management posed significant challenges to this division in its effort 
to bring new innovative products to market. Traditional approaches to product 
development had yielded traditional results.  The cross-cultural, 
cross-functional development teams struggled with issues of power & control, 
communication, trust, and the creation of a common purpose. Formal meetings 
were mildly successful and informative, but broke no new ground in building 
innovative approaches or in helping the group's performance. Neither team 
sought understanding, but instead assessed blame for delay in the schedule and 
the absence of true product innovation.


Though the U.S. based team owned the product and project responsibility, it was 
but a small division of a much larger European owned firm. Two previous, formal 
meetings had taken place over six months. And, though these meetings served the 
formality of project management, they lacked the passion and energy that comes 
with a real team working toward a common purpose.


The Response: The pressure to achieve technical breakthroughs within modest 
means and tight schedules further undermined early team effectiveness. In order 
to reenergize the team and re-create a sense of purpose and begin to build 
trust and camaraderie, the President of the Division decided to apply a new 
approach he had uncovered in his doctoral work in organizational leadership; 
Open-Space Technology (OST).


The Event: A two day Open-Space event took place in late spring and brought 
together 13-members of two teams from Europe and the United States. Among the 
participants were software engineering managers, motion-control engineers, 
systems developers, mechanical designers, an electrical engineer, experts in 
vision and inspection, and program managers. 


As one might expect, the participants were at a loss with how to deal with a 
room full of circles of chairs, and no table. The American contingent was 
apprehensive, but nonetheless excited about any process that would build 
consensus and energy around their project. The European contingent was at a 
complete loss to understand what was going on. When confronted with a meeting 
without an agenda, the senior manager commented, "Perhaps we can review my 
agenda and bring the table back into the room."


After a brief introduction of Open-Space Technology and the process, a number 
of engineers offered their issues to the group. After some gentle cajoling, 
they got up, picked up a marker from the middle of the room, and began building 
an agenda for the two day event. Ten key topic areas emerged that led to 
2-break out rooms and 5-time slots. The air became electric.


Within 2-hours of our start, each participant was energized, actively 
participating, and without exception, getting their particular issues 
addressed. Rather than advocating their particular functions and positions as 
individuals contributors, a systems approached emerged that elevated the 
process and the whole product above its constituent parts. 


Outcomes: Though the long-term results are uncertain, the open-space event 
initiated a transformation of both attitudes and the product development 
process. The president relinquished control and   responsibility for the 
project to the team and the process. Key issues were raised in the spirit of 
cooperation and collaboration. The participants identified the issues, 
co-created an agenda, and successfully completed two days spirited debate and 
purposeful, follow-up action.


This small product development team was recognized company-wide as spirited, 
dynamic and innovative: a model of future development efforts. Perhaps the most 
promising development, long term, was the informal creation of communities of 
practice. "Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern, a 
set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and 
expertise in this area by interacting on an ongoing basis" (Wenger et al., 
2002, p. 4). These CoPs emerged as an unintended consequence of like minded 
people combining common purpose, a passion, a need and the means to share with 
and learn from one another. Feedback from both Europe and the United States was 
quite positive. Open Space provides an incubator in which a common purpose, a 
new common language, and diverse ideas and technical talents initiate a process 
that could transform new product development. In an atmosphere of trust, 
members feel freer to challenge, question, and inquire. 


Wenger, E. McDermott, R. & Snyder, W. M. (2002). Cultivating communities of 
practice. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.


David Morgan

for STORIES,  the Newsletter of the Open Space Institute (US) 




                     FOOTPRINTS IN THE WIND/sm # 418




      The only people in the world who can make change here

      are these people.




   Please pass it on--especially to someone you know who wants

   change in their organization  or life.     -Doug.


   By Douglas D. Germann, Sr. Ó Copyright 2003, Learning Works, Inc.

  All rights reserved. Reprint permissions:      


  Please publish in your print or electronic periodical,with the above info.





Patricia Henderson, Facilitator, Yoga Teacher 

The Inner Path, An Organizational & Training Development Company, USA



Whatever happens is the only thing that could have. This is the second of the 
Four Principles of Open Space, and certainly an essential element for a 
successful session.  But for a facilitator, letting go, surrendering the 
outcome of a workshop while still meeting the client's expectations is not 
always easy.


I facilitated a workshop for a university client to explore a vision of how 
education will be conducted in the future.  A group of fifty professors, 
curriculum developers, administrators, and students were brought together for 
the one-and-a-half day event.


The dean opened the workshop with a short presentation to provide a context.  
Participants then engaged in small-group discussions to remember the best of 
the past.  A panel of experts presented a variety of new technologies, which 
was followed by more small-group discussion to share ideas about the 
application of these technologies to education.  By lunchtime, energy among the 
participants was high.


Following lunch, we all filed into a large room I had prepared in advanced.  
The dean reiterated the value of everyone's participation.  I explained the 
Four Principles and One Law of Open Space and then reviewed our theme, How 
Shall We Create Our Future: University Education 2020 and Beyond.


There were a few moments of silence, followed by some nervous chatter, after 
all this was a novel experience for almost everyone in the room.  Finally, one 
intrepid professor stepped forward, grabbed a piece of paper and wrote: "My 
issue is Keeping (and valuing) the Status Quo."


Okay, this was not what I was expecting.  We were supposed to be engaged in a 
discussion about how to design the educational experience of the future, which 
implies changing the status quo.  I thanked the professor and waited.


A student stepped forward: "My issue is Campus Life & Environments2020."  Then 
another professor: "My issue is The Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Job 
Market."   Hmmm. . .these topics seemed tangential to our theme.  As a former 
drill instructor, I was tempted to call everyone to attention, recite our theme 
in unison, and threaten 20 push-ups for everyone if one person veers off course 
again.  But, I refrained and "Whatever happens is the only thing that could 
have" became my mantra.


More topics were generated, and suddenly the room emptied as participants 
dashed out to the breakout rooms to find the session of their choice.  I took a 
few deep breaths and went to prowl the halls, lurking at doorways, 
eavesdropping on the sessions.  What I heard surprised me.  The conversations 
were animated and passionate and on track, at least peripherally, with our 


The workshop turned out to be a success.  We had hoped to get tangible ideas on 
how education will be conducted in the future, and, in fact, we did touch on 
that.  But, just as importantly, we uncovered concerns that must be addressed 
so that the university can be successful as it moves forward toward its 
strategy for the future.  Had we not used Open Space and instead generated the 
discussion topics ourselves, those concerns might not have surfaced.  And me?  
I got another lesson in letting go. Whatever happens is the only thing that 
could have.


Patricia Henderson

for STORIES, the Newsletter of the Open Space Institute (US)  





Fr.Brian S. Bainbridge, Australia


Opened space for some 35 Diocesan Religious Education Coordinators from all 
over OZ:


One guy said, in the talking stick time, that he was extremely  disappointed  
with the whole event.  He had come, after having experienced  OST a couple of 
times, with an utter cynicism about Open Space as pointless and fruitless and 
really not worth the time and energy.  His utter disappointment was that he 
could not now go home with increased cynicism at all (as he had expected), that 
he was taking home an absolutely revised view of OST - which was his 
"disappointment". Australians have a funny way of being "disappointed" 
sometimes, it seems.


And there was a West Australian nun who came knowing from previous 
OSTexperience that she was quite likely in the first afternoon to use her two 
feet and go and do something useful with her time in Melbourne. And, she said, 
she was just delighted with the way this Open Space grew and engaged and 
explored and......, and her whole appearance just blossomed compared with how 
she looked when she arrived.


Cheers and blessings,   BRIAN


Fr Brian S. Bainbridge  

for STORIES, the Newsletter of the Open Space Institute (US)  





Maureen K. McCarthy, Consultant to Organizations

Engaging the Soul at Work


My husband, Zelle, and I live in a pre-Civil War, 150-year-old, stone house in 
Flat Rock, N.C. (outside Asheville in the Blue Ridge Mountains) originally 
built as the parsonage to historic St. John in the Wilderness Church. There's a 
long, winding driveway through the forest, fireplace in every room, original 
hardwood floors and a spiral staircase. Obviously, it's a place to be shared.


We have people stay with us from all over the world and are always open to 
people stopping by. Now it might seem that we're into entertaining, but the 
truth is, most of the time we're not. What1s important to us is to have a place 
where everyone is welcome, where each person can determine their own experience 
while they're here. We tell people we live in Open Space.


Several years ago we were introduced to a process of large group conversation 
called Open Space Technology. It begins with a written invitation drawing 
people together around a particular topic or idea, triggering each person's 
individual passions and interests. Within thirty minutes of gathering, a group 
of five to five thousand creates the agenda for their time together, whether 
it's three hours or three days. There are four principles of Open Space:

   1. Whoever comes are the right people. 

   2. Whenever it starts is the right time.

   3. Whenever it's over, it's over. 

   4. Whatever happens is the only thing that could. 


The overarching principle that really makes Open Space work is called The Law 
of Two Feet. It says that if you're not learning or contributing in any 
conversation, use your two feet and go someplace else.


Each person is responsible for their own experience, as only you know where you 
need to be and what you need to talk about. In fact, if you're bored and want 
to leave but think it's rude, it's not. It's rude to stay.  Uninterested people 
bring down the energy of everyone who cares.


After using Open Space in our consulting work to support organizations in 
creating a more inviting style of leadership, we realized the principles 
operated at a truly foundational level. They would work everywhere in our 
lives. So in an effort to live a more inviting life, we truly brought it home. 
And it fit perfectly.


When people arrive at our house we give them our "Welcome Home" page. It says:


       Just a few thoughts while you're hanging out here...


*Ask for everything you want. Always. Sometimes it may not be possible, but 
always ask. 


*This house is as much yours as ours. Be comfortable everywhere.  Do what you 
want. Go where you want. Stay as long as you want. If you see something that 
needs doing, go for it. If there's something that bugs you, feel free to take 
care of it.


*We don't live on one particular schedule. We eat when we're hungry. We sleep 
when we're tired. If you're hungry and want to eat, forage... or chat with us 
about what time we all want to eat together.


*Because our office is at home, sometimes we need to get work done, even though 
we might rather be lounging with you. If there's something you want to do, 
we've got maps, guidebooks, etc. to help you know where you want to go. Even if 
we don't see you, we love it that you're here!


*There's a journal where we'd love to have you write about the places you've 
seen and things you've done while you were here. It will help us get to know 
the area, as well as our future homecomers.


*Lastly, but most importantly...Our ultimate goal is to be in a state of grace 
with each other, with you, with everything, always. That means that if at any 
time you're frustrated or something's not feeling right, you absolutely must 
share your thoughts.




Zelle and I grew up in homes that, for very different reasons, were places that 
discouraged us from inviting people over. So we agreed it was integral to our 
relationship to create a foundation of invitation as we built our lives 
together. We couldn't possibly sustain our desire for invitation if we felt 
obligated to entertain everyone every moment, but our Welcome Home page helps 
us set expectations, alleviate misunderstandings and make everyone more 


Being inviting is always rewarding, but not always easy. The very notion of 
being inclusive says you don't exclude, which means you invite the bad in with 
the good. We found that if we put parameters around who we invite, whether it's 
because they think like us or are easier to get along with, we could no longer 
call ourselves inviting. We've had people stay who really triggered us, but in 
the end we welcome them back anytime, because it's important to us that our 
minds be stretched and our hearts opened. And who's to say we weren't the ones 
creating the circumstances.


Recently we met a couple on the streets of Asheville who were considering 
moving here. They were staying at a hotel while exploring the area, but we told 
them it was crazy when they could stay more comfortably at our house. Mark and 
Susan stayed for a week and it was like having two of our best friends around 
to make dinner, laugh, and stay up all night chatting with. If we1d been 
apprehensive, because we knew so little about them, we would have missed out on 
an exceptional encounter. So far it's been worth the rough spots to live what 
we believe.


For us, invitation seems to be at the heart of our diversity issues. As soon as 
we create "the other," we forget we're actually one. Beginning with our home is 
usually a breeze and sometimes a bit of work, but it's helped us branch out and 
be more inviting in everything we do.


Want to come over?


Maureen K. McCarthy

for STORIES, the Newsletter of the Open Space Institute (US)






Practice of Peace, November 9-12

Whidbey Institute, one hour north of Seattle,Washington, USA


There's still time to register...and do it soon because accommodations are 
going fast..


The Practice of Peace is an international gathering bringing people from six 
continents, including many working in conflict areas, such as Israel and the 
Palestinian territories, Haiti, Kashmir, Northern Ireland, U.S. urban 
communities, and Colombia together to discover new insights, create new 
relationships and develop projects for peace building around the world. We 
expect people from many disciplines: activitists, military, business, 
community, government, youth, media, mediation and facilitation since issues of 
chaos, conflict and confusion are as relevant to them all.  Details are at


Inspired by Harrison Owen, founder of Open Space Technology (OST), and his 
recently published book, The Practice of Peace, this conference is both timely 
and unique.  As people facing different conflicts act as mirrors for each 
other, perhaps the complexity of each situation will resolve to a higher order 
of clarity for all involved, illuminating essentials that participants can 
apply in their work, their communities, and their lives.


FEES:  Tuition, meals and conference materials included.  Accommodations not 

*  Individuals with for-profit support: $750

*  Individuals with non-profits or without organizational affiliation:  $450

*  Students: $350.




Practice of Peace workshops with Harrison Owen, details and registration 
information at 


January 12 - 14, New York, Karen Davis, 


March 21 - 24, Israel, Tova Averbuch, 


June 6 - 9, Chicago, Michael Herman, 


For stories of opening space for peace, follow these links:


Notes by Harrison Owen 


Israelis, Palestinians hope retreat helps awaken peace from its Slumber   


People to People Dialogue for Peace and Prosperity

Panchgani, Maharashtra, India 


Open Space in Oral Cultures





Open Space and Emergence in Human Systems:  The Challenges and Opportunities 
for Collaborative Research,    November 28 - 30.

Oakham House, Ryerson University, Toronto.

Details and registration,


The Ryerson Faculty of Business and the Open Space Institute of Canada are 
co-sponsoring this first-ever conference to focus on opportunities for research 
about Open Space and emergence in human systems.  

Fee:  $150.  




Open Space Training Events

For the most current information on Open Space training resources, visit 



North America

December 10 - 12, San Francisco, Introduction to Open Space, Lisa Heft,  


January 15 - 16, 2004, Chicago area, Training and Practice workshop, Michael 


September 6-8, 2004, Raleigh, North Carolina, Working with Open Space 
Technology, Birgitt Willams,  


Sept 10-13, 2004, Raleigh, North Carolina, Advanced Program in OST focusing on 
the OS Organization, Birgitt Willams,  




January 13-16, 2004, Sweden, Working With Open Space Technology, Thomas 
Herrmann,  and  Eiwor Backelund,


May 11-13, 2004, Advanced program in Open Space Technology featuring the Open 
Space Organization, Thomas Herrmann,  and Eiwor 



Other Parts of the World

March 1-4, 2004, Working with Open Space Technology, Christchurch, New Zealand, 
Helen Patterson,


March 29 - April 2, 2004, Cape Town, South Africa, Open Space Technology - 
Winning Stakeholders' Hearts and Minds, Holger Nauheimer and JoToepfer, 




STORIES is published occasionally, online, by the Open Space Institute (US).   
To subscribe, contact Peggy Holman,  

To submit your story, contact Joelle Everett,


Peggy Holman
Open Space Institute (US)
15347 SE 49th Place
Bellevue, WA  98006
425.378.8331 (fax)

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