Beautiful words everyone

You have all brought me to the guts of my initial enquiry: how does one find
the balance between fear/control and letting go/going with the flow?

 Finding that balance comes back to being a co-creator with spirit for me. I
am spirit's hands, eyes, ears, mouth piece; yet I am not all of it!

Spirit flows regardless of whether I hold its waters tight or with open
palms. My experience is enhanced or diminished depending on my stance. This
is what open space is teaching me. My co-operation, malleableness,
flexibility, ultimately openness to spirit is what life is all about.

The four principles, one law and spirit of open space are not just for
meetings. They are for living! In trying to live these things out, in the
furnace of everyday trials, especially in relationships, open space provides
me with a framework to be receptive to spirit; mine and the world's.

That's all
Mike Copeland

-----Original Message-----
From: Peggy Holman []
Sent: Tuesday, 4 November 2003 9:35 a.m.
Subject: Fw: Fear and control (waxing lyrical)

Robyn -- lovely image!

This conversation reminds me of one from last January called
"self-organization is what consciousness (spirit) does".

I pulled this snippet of mine from it:

I recently was given a gift of an image around this that I've found quite
helpful.   A Buddhist priest attended Spirited Work (a learning community
that gathers quarterly in OS).  He used an image of hands for holding space.
Actually, here are Master Chang's words:

>Since I left Whidbey Island, I've constantly thought of OS and its
spiritual manifestation in earthly conditionings. It's dawn[ed] on me that
>we constantly create mental boundaries and then transfigure them into
organizational rules, etc., which we call containers. Thus, there are
>levels upon levels of containers, depending on levels of minds that we
have. What OP[OST] methodology attracts me is the way it can
>facilitate and accommodate multi-levels of containers by very few simple
rules of gathering and interaction. The challenge for me in >creating an
OP[OST] organization is to be able to make available (and to promote)
evolutionary & consequential levels of
>unfoldment ... so one can evolve from "container/2 hands cupped, facing
each other" to "supporter/2 hands open, facing upwards" to >"being/handless
gesture" ...

I LOVE this picture of hands reflecting the evolution of space, perhaps
because it mirrors my own growing comfort with space.  (While I aspire to
it, I'm not sure I'm ready to hang out in the space of "look ma, no hands!")
It reminds me that we are all at different places of comfort with openness.
I may go screaming from the room when the space feels too closed and someone
else go running to their room because the space is too open.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robyn" < <> >
To: < <>
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 6:22 AM
Subject: Re: Fear and control (waxing lyrical)

> RE:
> If you close those two hands - you end up with two fists. Definitely not
> what we want.
> ~ (delighted laughter!) I pictured the closing of two open hands, like
> an almond.  The result, according to a dear and wise women that I know,
> is the mandorla, which has become a very powerful symbol for me in my
> journey towards wholeness.
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