Hi Holger,


I did a lot of trainings starting 1995 after my TOT course in JHU,
Baltimore, US. And I do thinkg people need trainings and many other tools
for learning and what I love best - is learning by doing, as training looks
like reading many books... which could give you knowledge... in advance, but
if you don't need it at once, you will forget it or will not know where to
use at your workplace...

I did have a small chat with Alena and we get into agreement that we need
meet one day and it looks like, that I'm going to provide OS in Moscow
somewhere on 22-24 of December... so probably it could be a chance to meet
personally. I was invited ... though there is nobody who can do OS in
Moscow... thanks to my friend, who recomend me... so let it be!

I do like your web site and it gives a lot of materials and thoughts...

the reason I asked this question and THANK you VERY MUCH for your answer -
is that living in Siberia... without credit cards which allow to get books
from Amazon.com... and having even no need for it as our salaries give only
chance to survive.... I got ALL my learnings about books and new ideas
through my friends and books they give me... so I'm not sure, that I do know
literature, which could be classics and new NOW.

I do provide Future Search and even give training for 6 trainer in OS in
Irkutsk, and looking attantively what and how is it possible to use AI,
though I'm not sure I know all the details of it, except Peggy Holman and
Tom Devane book "Change Handbook...", though it looks familiar for me, as we
used 4D in the workshop "Organizational Development"...

In our country we had a boom in management books, and we do have much more
books which are translated in Russian, including 5th discipline, which I
tried to read but did not succeed yet, and I do tell about learning
organizations for students, and it looks close to Change management for me
in a sense which I put in it --- learning not only to quck adapting to the
change in the world around but making your dreams happen... so THANK you
again, I will study, what do I know from your list and will follow my

best wishes


----- Original Message -----
From: "Change Management Toolbook" <hol...@change-management-toolbook.com>
To: <osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu>
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 10:15 PM
Subject: AW: Change Management

> Hi Elena,
> I disagree with Michael (he knows, we are getting along quite well -
> Michael, I hope you don't mind). Open Space is a great tool for
> understanding emerging systems. But there is a nice saying:
> "Only fools worship their tools."
> There is much more than Open Space, and it is difficult to tell you where
> begin. A quick and dirty answer, which describes my mindmap:
> Studying the books of Peter Senge is not a bad start, with all care. I
> skip "The Fifth Discipline" and start with "The Fifth Discipline
> right away, followed by "The Dance of Change" (which explains very well
> Change Management often does not work).
> The new book: "Jane Watkins and Bernhard Mohr: Appreciative Inquiry,
> at the Speed of Imagination" has a lot of interesting thoughts.
> There are much more books to consult, I attach a more detailed list of
> that influenced my thinking below. You might check the Change Management
> Toolbook, a website that I run for some introductory information, and an
> annotated literature list (most of the books mentioned below are described
> in more detail). http://www.change-management-toolbook.com/. I also run a
> monthly newsletter, in which you find links, literature reviews and tools.
> Feel free to subscribe. By the way, we are underway to plan a Change
> Management training course in Russia. So let's stay in touch.
> "Change is a journey, not a blueprint, and cannot be mandated." That
> you have to find your way around. But the nice thing about system thinking
> is - you just start somewhere and you can be sure that it is
> to a bigger system.
> Finally, I would like to put you into contact with Aljona Pavlouzkaya
> (brid...@strannik.east.ru), who lives in Moscow and is building up her
> concept on Change Management (with your assumed permission, Aljona).
> Best regards,
> Holger
> This is my personal literature list. You might start anywhere.
> Bandler, R. and Grinder, J.: The Structure of Magic. Vol. 1 Palo Alto,
> Capra, F.: The Tao of Physics. Shambala, Boston, 1975
> Capra, F.: The Web of Life Harper & Colins Publishers, London, 1996.
> De Bono, E.: Six Thinking Hats". MICA Management Resources, Inc., New
> 1985.
> Dilts, R.B.: Changing Belief Systems with NLP. Meta Publications,
> 1990.
> Dilts, R.B.: Modelling With NLP. Meta Publications, Capitola, 1998.
> Dilts, R.B.: Strategies of Genius Vol. I, II and III. Meta Publications,
> Capitola, 1994-1995
> Dilts, R.B.: Visionary Leadership Skills. Meta Publications, Capitola,
> Furman, B.; Tapani, A.: Pickpockets on a Nudist Camp. The Systemic
> Revolution in Psychotherapy. Dulwich Centre Publications, Adelaide, 1992.
> Gilligan, S.: The Courage to Love. Principles and Practices of
> Self-Relations Psychotherapy. New York, 1997.
> Hock, D.: Birth of the Chaordic Age. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. San
> Francisco, 1999
> Lynch, D. and Kordis, P.: Dolphin Strategies. Brain Technologies Corp.,
> 1988.
> Morgan, G.: Images Of organization. The Executive Edition. Berrett-Koehler
> Publishers, Inc. San Francisco, 1998.
> Owen, H.: Open Space Technology. A User's Guide. San Francisco, Berret
> Koehler, 1997
> Owen, H.: Tales from Open Space. Abbott Publishing, Maryland, 1995.
> Pedler, M.; Burgoyne, J. and Boydell, T.: The learning Company. A Strategy
> for Sustainable Development. McGraw-Hill Book Company, London, 1991
> Ringland, G.; Foreworded by Schwartz, P.: Scenario Planning. Managing for
> the Future. Wiley,Chichester, 1998.
> Satir, V.: The New Peoplemaking. Science and Behavior Books, 1988.
> Schwartz, P.: The Art of the Long View. Planning for the Future in an
> Uncertain World. Currency Doubleday, New York, 1991.
> Senge, P. The Fifth Discipline. The Art and Practice of the Learning
> Organization. Doubleday/Currency, New York, 1990
> Senge, P.; Kleiner, A.; Roberts, C.; Roos, R.B. and Smith, B.J.: The Fifth
> Discipline Fieldbook. Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning
> Organization. . Nicholas Brailey Publishing, London, 1994.
> Shacter, D. L.: Searching for Memory. The Brain, the Mind, and the Past.
> HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 1996.
> Shacter, D.: Searching for Memory. The Brain, the Mind and the Past. New
> York, 1996.
> Waldrup, M.M.: Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and
> Chaos. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1992.
> Watkins, J.M.; Mohr, B.J.: Appreciative Inquiry. Change of the Speed of
> Imagination. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, San Francisco, 2001.
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu]Im Auftrag von
> Michael M
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. November 2003 19:32
> An: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
> Betreff: Re: Change Management
> Dear Elena,
> in my book "Change Management" is an oxymoron.
> I suggest you just skip it and go straight for open space.
> Why should you follow the dismal  approaches tried west of you and
> east of you in your wonderfully emerging country that have led to a
> lot of work, a lot of fixes and a bunch of neverending new problems.
> Visit us in Berlin again!
> hugs
> mmp
> On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 10:07:20 +0600, Elena A. Marchuk wrote:
> >Hi dear All,
> >
> >Most of my knowledge about current events and books in many countries is
> >recieved from my friends and collegues, so allow me, please, to ask you,
> >
> >what books would you recomend me to use as the classics and the
> >current-brend-new about
> >
> >
> >in Russia, we are making huge steps in covering the gap of knowledge in
> >self-organizing in marketing economy, which needs as I see it to give
> >information as well in success and failures of our new global market
> >economy.
> >
> >can you help me.... so far in Siberia.
> >
> >sorry, I read mostly English-american language, so other languages could
> >more difficult to invastigate...
> >
> >best wishes
> >
> >elena marchuk
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