Dear colleagues - we invite you to join us for this event and workshop,
and to share the word amongst your colleagues, networks and communities.
For more information and to register, please contact Ken Preston-Pile of
host organization Pace e Bene, at

With warm thanks, Brendan McKeague (Australia) and Lisa Heft (USA)

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Opening Space for the Practice of Peace - January 2004

1- A self-organizing gathering to share thoughts and experiences on: How
do I Practice Peace in the Midst of Violence? (using the method for
convening people called Open Space Technology) Sat, Jan 24, 8:30 am - 5

2- A weekend workshop to learn the method of Open Space (includes the
Saturday event): How do I Convene People for Peace and Action Using Open
Space? Fri, Jan 23, 6:30 pm - Sun, Jan 25, 5 pm

First Congregational Church, 2501 Harrison Street (at 27th St), Oakland,
California, USA

Why this workshop?
This is a co-learning workshop to develop understanding and skills in
the facilitation and practice of Open Space (OS) - an exciting method
for convening people that minimizes assumed barriers and helps diverse
people develop community more quickly. In over 80 countries, including
many war zones (such as Palestine and Colombia), people are using the
Open Space method to address issues of significance and controversy. OS
enhances dialogue and helps people deal with conflict and chaos. OS
equalizes power in the room and gives each participant a voice.

1-day gathering:

** Experience the power of the Open Space method for truer communication
and collaboration
** Share on issues of meaning and learn new ways to practice peace
** Meet and connect with a diverse group of people sharing similar goals

Weekend workshop: In addition to the goals for the 1-day workshop, you
will also:

** Learn all aspects of facilitating Open Space gatherings
** Learn appropriate settings for using Open Space
** Learn how to maintain safe space and what to do when conflict emerges

Workshop Facilitators:

Lisa Heft is an independent consultant, facilitator and Master Level
interactive learning specialist with over 29 years experience. She has
presented and consulted in Brazil, South Africa, Switzerland, Canada,
Zambia, Spain and the USA with business leaders, university students,
faith communities, peacemakers, young people, violence survivors,
educators, scientists, prisoners, union and management representatives,
conference organizers, researchers, activists and government
representatives. She facilitates Open Space meetings, retreats, events
and conferences for groups of up to 1500 people and she presents
workshops in this and in interactive learning methodology for
conferences, organizations and communities. Her clients have included
the United States Department of Labor / United States Department of
Transportation, Glaxo Wellcome / World Health / Centerforce, Catholic
Diocese of San Jose, Foundation Consortium, Grupo Pela Vidda (Brazil),
FioCruz (Brazil), Partnership for the Public's Health, San Francisco
AIDS Foundation and the President's Commission on National and Community
Service. Lisa is a Board member of the Open Space Institute of the USA.

For the past twenty-five years Brendan has been a facilitator, educator,
change agent and peacemaker.  He has worked in Ireland, England and
Australia and now resides in Perth, Western Australia. He is a member of
Pace E Bene (Peace and All Good), an international Franciscan Service in
Nonviolence ( ) based in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Brendan
trained in Open Space facilitation with Birgitt Williams and Michael
Herman and is a member of the Open Space Institute of Australia.
Brendan's learning in Open Space has been enriched by his experiences
with grassroots community groups, teachers, faith-based groups,
prisoners, peace and social justice activists, trade unions, leaders and
managers, government departments AND, most profoundly, from his life
experience as a father of six children where the principles of OS have
been amazingly insightful. Over the years Brendan has collaborated in
the planning and facilitation of retreats, meetings, conferences and
gatherings of various kinds. He values collaboration and cooperation,
creativity and humour, listening and co-learning as ways of assisting
people and communities in the ongoing journey of growth and transition.
The spirit and structure of Open Space provide the framework for much of
Brendan's current facilitation practice through which he seeks to create
space for connecting people with each other, with inspired outcomes and
with peace.

Workshop Format/Costs

** 1-day Workshop: Saturday, 8:30 am - 5 p.m. Cost $60 US.

** Weekend: Friday, 6:30 - 9:00 pm, Saturday, 8:30 am - 8:30 pm, Sunday,
8:30 am - 5 pm. Cost $150 US.

Scholarships available. Full attendance for either workshop is required.
Lunch provided Saturday for all participants.

To register (or for more info), send name/address/phone/e-mail and
non-refundable deposit of one-half fee (made out to Pace e Bene) to Ken
Preston-Pile, PO Box 5427, Oakland, CA 94605, 510-568-6769,

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