I had another thought that might be useful to your friend. There  are two
types or approachs of instruments.
One approach says that there is A set of the most useful  questions for
management or for leadership and they are a validated set. This  means that you
don't change them because they, presumably through testing with  many many
people, have been found to be the most valuable questions. This  approach is 
preferred by people who are looking for academic credibility.  (An example of
this approach is the instrument that is available from the Centre  for Creative
Leadership. )
The other approach says that there is not one set of questions that  would be
useful to test for. This approach says that there are many possible
questions and that the value of customizing the questions to the individuals  
assessed or the organization or their function, outweigh the concerns  about
validization. The value here is that a questionnaire customized to an
organization or a function or an individual's role feels like a good fit. You  
also have
the opportunity to involve those being assessed in building and  revising the
competency questions used and this increases buy-in to a process  that
sometimes can feel threatening and of uncertain value for the  subject.
It also gives you as the external consultant (or internal  consultant) an
increased opportunity to interact with those being assessed and  eleviate their
I take the second approach but have used instruments that fit in  the first
Best regards

Esther Ewing
The Change Alliance -  Assisting Individuals and Organizations to Build
_www.ChangeAlliance.com_ (
330 East  38th St, Suite 53K
New York, NY 10016-9804

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