Hello All!

Michael, Esther, Birgitt -- great comments.

I intentionally choose a path building – trailblazing in terms of my
leadership, with full intention, acting on and working with.  The world
around us is crying out – and my practice is to translate that into path
building.  This list and Open Space Technology are part of my tools in
pathbuilding.  I use these tools to pursue meaning in life in the way it has
meaning for me.

I have worked for years in areas of human rights, peaceful expression of
difference, and diversity – and all of that simply means that I know a whole
lot less than I thought I did in the beginning.  What I do witness is people
who truly want to unleash their natural curiosity – and hearts that want so
much to do the “right thing”.  I discriminate – I prefer triple brownie ice
cream to vanilla.  And I know that I have racist, ageist, and sexist views –
I am a product of a country that in 1911 had an Order In Council to bar
people of “dark skin” from coming into the country.  Fortunately, that order
did not pass.  I attempt to practice awareness in my assumptions,
judgments -- and sometimes walk right into myself!

Birgitt – I acknowledge you for expressing yourself as it offers a genuine
opportunity to connect with the heart.  I see no right and wrong here.  For
me the path is the edge of knowing and not-knowing.

We just show up, touching with our hearts and we fill find a way.  It is not
about me – it is about a way to work with others.  What emerges is only as
good as the quality of the relationship.



Judith Richardson, M.A.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
(902) 434-6695

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