Dear Tova:
Wonderful story! Powerfully told!
I wonder if you would write a little more about the process that was used on 
day two to transition from the fifty four reports to the sixteen implementation 
Thanks again

---- Original Message ----- 
From: averbuch 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 4:13 AM

Dear oslisters'


Remember my call for help how to pick 150 out of 750?

 I want to start with thanking, Gerard Muller, Chris Corrigan, Harrison, Joelle 
and all of you' and here is my debt of story to you :



150 out of 750 – continued: the story of a two day OS with a division of an 
Israeli high-tech global company


Tova Averbuch


As I was preparing for Practice Of Peace conference on Whidbey island on 
November 2003 I got a phone call inviting me to consider working with a 
division of an Israeli high-tech global company " to promote motivation" after 
very hard three years in this business-market in general and for those people 
in particular. Since I do not do "promote motivation" work I was trying to look 
for the picture of the desired future the person talking to me had in mind and 
we both became more and more interested in exploring working together. We met a 
month later, when I was back from the US. They were eager and impatient to move 
on. I was in the beginning.


The way I generally view my work with organizations is as short term 
interventions with the intention of transformation. OS gathering is a very 
powerful and preferred practice I incorporate in this process and the most 
visible one. Because open space is about inviting and about choosing it is very 
important for me to provide it both in my very being and in doing, so… after 
meeting the HR people and the CEO and the management we moved from "promoting 
motivation" to " creation of a division we would like to work in and be happy 
to belong to.." They were ready to move on. My gut was that it was too soon. My 
clear sense was that 'what OS actually is' didn't seem to get through and their 
everyday culture was 180 degrees deferent. Another barrier was that this 
management who, until recently, was a management of subsidiary company now 
became management of a division, much more dependent on the mother company 
feeling limited in what they can do by themselves and for themselves. Fallowing 
my senses I insisted on the regular process we use: having a diagonal 
preparatory committee as means of still questioning if OS is what they really 
choose and distilling the unique way to do about it.  Meet again with the 
management team in an OS format (this I usually do not do) to learn more and 
explore their issues and challenges as managers/management in this process and 
particular situation. 

In the preparatory comity people were very reserved, skeptical, cautious and 
cynical. Sooner then latter – I was in the middle of a battle field with this 
or that person from senior management in front of 20 other people (stirring or 
steering? committee). Anxiety of letting go was very high, fear to raise 
expectations and fail them was enormous so ideas like: "let the preparatory 
committee be the OS event" or: "we can guide it a little, who said we have to 
do it exactly the way you say?" were offered along the process. Let me tell you 
I was defiantly bruised in this battle. For those of you who know me personally 
this will not come as a surprise that I wished I was not so direct and I wished 
I could shut up …neither the client nor I were sure we can make it together or 
that we are a good fit but thanks god we stayed together long enough. Slowly 
but surly too things emerged very clearly:

·        No way a management can go to OS 'to see and get ideas' and then do 
whatever they wish, regardless (not because I say so but because through the 
preparatory committee and the talk about trust, management commitment etc. it 
became very clear)

·        One can confront high rank and stay alive (bruised but alive): maybe 
everyone can choose to make a difference, after all.


People from preparatory committee decided they go for OS and "dare hope". They 
created a remarkable process of invitation formulation and talks to inform 
everyone in the deviation (750 people) in 2-3 days (50-70 every time with a 
member of the committee who is not 'the boss' of those who listen and question 
– it was the first time I had people create such a process). After the talk was 
over the person who was in charge beautifully informed everyone else that had 
still to go, of what were the challenges of the meeting and how was it 
resolved. It was so lovely to be on their list and witness these little tips 
and care. When they decided the OS will be for 150 people I had asked Avner to 
join in with me and had the pleasure to learn again how beautiful and fun it is 
to work together! 


170 people from all departments registered and 180 showed up on the morning of 
the first day. How shall I sum it up in "bottom Line" language? (We maid a joke 
out of how they will report to those who chose not to come): "In the beginning 
people were very skeptical!" ye' but what happened at the end? – "they were not 


I opened the space asking them to do something revolutionary, something they do 
not usually do – to take 3 breaths… (thank you Gerard, Harrison and Brigitt for 
building in me the courage to actually dare start this very way with 180 
people, technical people, mainly men…) Like taking a lid off a steaming pot 50 
out of the 180 people, who were seating very quietly (too quietly) for the 
first half an hour, jumped out off their chairs to create their agenda for 4 
breakout sessions that day and one the next day. Wonderful energy of finding 
one another again as people, after three years of survival mode on the personal 
and organizational level, they began to shade prickly porcupine skin and try on 
new, softer modes. 44 conversations, 44 summaries attended with care by the 
evening and collected as a book of proceedings from 'everything-culture' to 
'working patterns' in general and in specific. Trust… open, candid, genuine 
words were spoken and heard. One participant put it beautifully: 'we had told 
them every thing before this event. We talk it in the corridors, in 'round 
table talks', everywhere! So what difference will it make'? Another, standing 
by, said: (this could be a day of grace) 'you know what the definition of a 
psychologist is: a person to whom you pay for hearing all the things your wife 
has been telling you for so long …, maybe today it will sink in'.


Evening news with a shift: transparent, open to all public. Evening decision 
meeting together (some traps we glided through) also added a pillar of trust 
and transparency.

Most amazing was the depth of wisdom on day two (10 more groups added their 
conversation proceedings in writing and orally (in 10 minutes, all together!). 
All an all, 54 active and vibrant ideas merged into 16 implementation groups 
who had their first session in the afternoon. That was just blooming energies – 
seeding and harvesting work together. Being the action-biased people they are – 
they came up with wonderful ideas, fun, appreciation, recognition, and programs 
and it is on its way….!


Up in the sky Avner and I drove home

Knowing this is a very unique time in this industry, they are in a turning 
point, seems they chose to turn.



Last one:

This morning the CEO called saying "thank you, you know I don't speak much and 
I am very cynical but it seems to genuinely matter for many people; the sales 
man's singing, in the closing circle, "you and I will change the world" (a 
Hebrew song, like 'Imagine') was moving even for me. 

We may have some challenges in the coming six months; we shall need a little 
your help from you during this 'crossing the minefield'. And- if you need 
recommendation I will be glad to do it. I didn't believe this phone call; he 
hardly ever had the time (or preference) to talk one sentence to me…


Thank you for hanging there with me until now, there was a lot of learning on 
my side and on Avner's side (he even came up with some computer and logistics 
break through). A little bird told me Avner is going to say more…


Thank you all again

With much love



Tova Averbuch             טובה אורבוך

34 Rabinovitz St.   רחוב רבינוביץ 34     

Holon            58672               חולון 




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