The archive for education is excellent

I'd be interested in the biggest change movements in public or
government or international causes where open space has helped turn
or give sustainable voice to action networks with clarification as to
the extent that youth were involved since I've got a feeling that
together youth movements may be the best chance we have of turning the
whole world round. Part of my point is to know where we also have
continuing contacts
in these areas with our 80 country reach- perhaps some of this always
needs privacy whereas another side needs celebrating. When youth in a
emerge to say they want to do something , how do we channel that into
open space but in a safe a way ; how do we take a humanitarian idea in a
country from
minority to mainstream? There seems to be a dichotomy between youth in
rich cities wanting to help youth in poor countries and youth in poor
countries not knowing who to trust to get help. Perhaps I don't quite
know how to classify projects in these subsectors of peacemaking as well
as may be needed if others who are trying to
reconcile these issues are going to get open space.

Perhaps a way to specify would be to communicate someone who I am sure
could help if she got the idea -unless we have already tried , what are
the 10 most relevant cases in the world of open space that would
convince Mary Robinson to start helping eg youth everywhere to open
space on the issues she's holding the space for at  . Basically if we could get one person
like her interested then we could ask others like those nominated on the
c100  West-East reconciliation initiative of the world economic forum to
come out - are they really interested? or? or?

Chris Macrae

Apart from <>
and <>   the
meta-network spaces that I currently see similar worldwide patterns
 are <> <>
<> <> <>
 -other world or local pattern matches always interest me if you want to
chat either across list, or to me at

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of kerry
Sent: 18 March 2004 19:11
Subject: Search Keywords

Dear Michael

I suggested the possibility of creating accessible archives for specific
applications of Open Space, starting with education, which grew into a
wiki wiki initiative based on your work on interactive sites.  We now
have an embryo archive for education which can be visited by going to
the following:

Following this thinking, could we access archives on other applications,
such as healthcare, communities, voluntary organizations/charities,
government (central and local), politics & democracy etc?  What other
subject areas would people suggest?  More importantly, would people post
their stories to designated sites?

The purpose of organizing around applications was twofold: it promotes
process credibility by allowing potential sponsors to see what others
have done and practitioners to learn from experiences of other
facilitators.  Moreover, the interactivity of the wiki wiki allows
"dead" material to be brought back to life.

This could be a very exciting innovation for our Open Space World and
particularly people using the OSLIST.  As much of the OSLIST material is
very fleeting, it is reassuring to know that the archives would remain

I also feel this opportunity is very compatible with Harrison's
philosophy and shared by many others about giving the process to the
World.  If the process is available to everyone and truly "open", we
should feel comfortable enriching it with our experiences.

Thank you, Michael, for taking steps to bring the archives alive.  NOW,
how do we access them?  How about a simple step-by-step procedure to tap
into this rich resource?


Open Futures
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