
For those of you in the Pacific NW, I'd like to invite you to participate in 
my Reinventing Yourself workshop, April 24, in downtown Bellevue, Washington.  
 This is my favorite personal workshop, because so many participants have 
fantastic results from dedicating a day to considering their own future.   For 
details, see the e-mail flyer below and the website.   Please copy the e-mail 
flyer and pass it along to friends--if you bring a friend, each receives a 

And I invite everyone who wishes to take a look at our new, 
still-under-construction website.   

You may even see a face you recognize on the home page. At this moment, most 
of the pages focus on workshops and consulting; I'm still working on the Open 
Space component.   And learning from what you have done--I'm still finding my 
way around the multi-dimensional nature of cyberspace!


Reinventing Yourself
     --a workshop to help you change your life

Saturday, April 24, 2004, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Atrium Building, downtown Bellevue
$75 if registered and paid by April 17, $95 April 18-24
Bring a friend—each will receive a $10 discount!
Call Deborah at 425-269-8959 or e-mail

Use this intensive workshop to

*    Launch a career change     
*    Start a new business
*    Re-focus after divorce, retirement or life-threatening illness
*    Get moving on something you’ve always wanted to do

You will

*    Clarify your vision
*    Tap into your personal energy and power
*    Find allies and resources to support you
*    Discover specific steps you can take to create your new reality

Joelle Lyons Everett is an international consultant who helps organizations 
and individuals create new futures.   Twenty-four years ago she reinvented 
herself from a stay-at-home mother of four to a consultant and workshop leader. 
She has published a book of poems, Strange and Wonderful Things, and is 
working on another, about personal change.

For more information and comments from others who have taken the workshop, go 

To register for Reinventing Yourself, April 24, 2004, in Bellevue,
Call Deborah at 425-269-8959 or e-mail   


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