it occurs to me that it might just be relevant to tell one more story
here... about how i came to be in the spot i'm in with the oslist, what
birgitt calls a position of power, and what others might be wondering
about too.  so this is how this has happened...

first, as i've mentioned, i thought we needed a better website, so i
went and built one.  passion and responsibility.  and then it grew like
crazy.  so when the list went down last summer, many folks emailed me to
ask about it, even though i had absolutely nothing to do with the list.
i tried to find murli and when i couldn't, i went out and searched for
boise state tech support and foudn the right folks.  passion bounded by
responsibilty.  when kerry asked about the archives (again), i knew the
tech folks and went right on in to ask.  passion bounded by
responsibility.  and when therese asked here about deleting, i went and
looked things up in the public place where any one of us could have
looked, but i happened to know where, only because i'd discovered it
last week responding to an earlier question.

i'm no techie, i'm an openspace guy.   i run on passion bounded by
responsibility.  i care about this list and i do things about it.
that's how this practice of our works and that's how i live it.  open
space runs on passion bounded by responsibilty.   and that's powerful.
but not the sort of power that's limited to a few in secret.  step up.
take care of something.  give.  it works.  for all of us.  that's how
FAQ happened.  poetry contests.  newsletters.  access queen.  the
non-guide.  the languages, the translators are the national contacts in
those countries.  osonos hosting.  open space institutes.  regional list
serves.  poetry chapbook, which out to be listed for download someplace,
mr. weaver. trainers of open space.  all arguably positions of power.
and everyone in those positions got there because they are caring and
responding.  i'm not the only one and there's nothing secret about it.
it's pure open space and it works.  we've 12000+ stories to attest to
that.  what we do here is really just amazing.  it really does work!


Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610 USA
(312) 280-7838 - consulting & publications - laboratory & playground - worldwide open space

...inviting organization into movement

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