Dear Eva

I too was observing something similar, not knowing the FIRO model but the 
stages of group dynamics as described in Scott Peck's  book on community 
building (CB) "The different drum" which I (and we all) have experienced many 
times as participant and facilitator of CB processes. All these stages of 
community building are and have been present in this discussion - though this 
group is not explicitly communicating on a and about the feeling level but more 
cognitively. Still, in betweeen the lines it's all there - even we don't see 
and hear each other and can only look at what remains of all the wonderful 
people here behind their words on the screen...   carried and held also by the 
many silent ones and not only those 'on stage'

~ Ilse

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eva P Svensson 
  Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 1:16 PM
  Subject: SV: Hierarchies, decision making and a real-life example

  Hello all of you wonderful people out there - and thank you for this list and 
all of your contributions!!!


  Peggy - So many wise words and thoughts and an analyses of what is going on I 
think. And I come to think of an group model to which I'm sure you're all 
familiar with - Will Schutz FIRO model (fundamental interpersonal relationship 
orientation) - and I must test my thoughts with all of you out there.  (And 
since "I'm not that old" at the list and I may be way out and this is not what 
is happening - or has happened before - here comes my to cents - or två öre on 


  It seems to me that we can compare in a way what is happening on the list 
with a sort of a group forming process à la FIRO where we are going from the 
first rather safe space where we are "talking nice" to each other and 
exchanging thoughts, ideas, questions and a lot of learning, the phase when we 
are asking ourselves if we want to be in this group. From this phase to the 
second real step in his model, the part where the participants are questioning 
each other and as you said Peggy talking about hierarchies, who should be in 
charge and why, - where conflicts are higher and occurs more often then in the 
first phase?

  I'm definitely not an expert on FIRO and against my ideas (?)  must be that I 
think that in our conversation on the list we share our thoughts and are very 
open about our feelings but maybe not (up till now?) our feelings about each 
other?? ( so maybe we have started from the end.?)


  I don't know, but FIRO came into my head when I was reading these entire 
postings about givens, and who had done what and why. And in the mean time I 
see this as a great learning for what could - and I'm sure most certainly would 
- happen in an organisation that wants to evolve to a more open and conscious 
open space organisation. Where more people will "be in charge" and maybe there 
is less hierarchy and what will happen then? Even if we are clear about the 
givens, I am sure that they will change, because things change faster than we 
can react sometimes. And maybe what we see right now on the list will happens 
in real life and then there will be no immediately help from outside so they 
have to solve it themselves - as we have to do- this is our (my) responsibility 
and it's up to (me) us to learn and to move forward so that our (my) 
understanding about the process and myself will deepened and be a good 
contribution on my personal journey.


  I absolutely don't mean to take away all the feelings that are exchanged here 
by "going theoretic" but I felt that I needed to test my thoughts on you and 
see if there are any responses.


  Love and peace from a sunny but chilly west side of Sweden where spring is 
desperately trying to come through!


  Bästa hälsningar



  Eva P Svensson



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