Dear each and everyone of you lovely people on this OSLIST.

I am writing for the very first time to the list. I am Inge from Denmark. I have been a bit shy,and cowerdice. Now it`s time time give.

Ever since I, for the very first time met so many lovely people on the OSonOS in Denmark last summer, I have from the depht of my heart read most af the correspondance on the list. I am most greatful to each and eveyone, who has contributed to the list. It´s been so very healing ond filled with hope to read all the different mails.

In the midst of all the fighting in the world you have been able to stay focued and put forward your vulnerability by asking for help and you have shared all the lovely stories of you work and you have responded to each other in a most caring and loving way.

Your healing words reached further out than you may think. The old filosopy of sharing, the idea that everything out there,that comes to each and evey one of us in differet shapes and ways is for all living creaters. THANK YOU. - THANK YOU HARRISON for putting this old knowledge into modern ways, so it can get back into our think and ways of working. May we for each day be less fearful,  and thereby be able to let go of our "need" to own. May we regain our trust.

I send much love to the amazing work, that`s going all over the world.

Love Inge


>From: Julie Smith <>
>Reply-To: OSLIST <>
>Subject: Re: Opening Space for a Closing World
>Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 00:13:35 -0800
>Okay, Harrison.  I'll take you up on this one.  You said:
>"So I thought to myself, thought I, how to open some more space -
>anyhow, with anyone???? Doing an OS is cool, but surely that represents
>a tiny fraction of the opportunities available.  So come on Folks
>included) how do we open up some more space? And how are we doing right
>Perhaps if we shared we cold give each other some really good ideas."
>I could use some good ideas about now.
>I reported some time ago that I'm now the "executive director" (please,
>anyone, give me a better word to describe what I do!) of our local
>Montessori preschool.  I love the Montessori philosophy, and the
>children are blossoming in beautiful, amazing ways. Goodness abounds.
>Trouble is, in spite of many, many wonderful staff and parents, we
>suffer from a lack of cohesion and community between staff, between
>parents, and between staff and parents.  Truth is, I often come home
>feeling frayed, frustrated, misunderstood and unappreciated. (Good
>grief! Is that me talking? How did I get here????)
>There you have it.  I could tell you a longer version, but I doubt the
>telling would add anything significant (and it might resemble whining).
>And here is my question (remembering now from a brief encounter with the
>I Ching that the framing of the question is as revealing as the
>receiving of the answer)(now feeling even greater pressure to get it
>right): How do I help this community I love make the journey from where
>we are now to a place of mutual understanding, regard, and purpose?  How
>do we tap our enormous reservoir of intelligence, love, and intention
>for the greater good of us all?  How do we, as a community, engage in
>that energizing, invigorating, inspiring dance on the spiral of
>expanding consciousness?
>I release my questions to you, the universe.  I look forward with great
>anticipation to all that comes back to me.
>(And now I laugh, remembering another time I forgot the answers I
>already knew, and Chris C. sharing a poem that told that old story most
>beautifully.  Sometimes I wonder whether we forget not only for
>ourselves, but perhaps for others as well. And so I am willing to reveal
>my forgetting again.)
>(And I heard Harrison's question in my soul, asking me to answer. So at
>the same time that I ask the universe for answers, I am the universe
>(It's great to be writing here again.  Nothing like it, anywhere, for
>Much love ~~~
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