Dear Friends:

In Chile we say “there is no debt that doesn’t get paid nor time limit that
doesn’t run out”.

After that memorable day in May 2002, when I simultaneously made my first
appearance in this list (Item # 007276 “Getting on the wave”; 02/05/19.)
and facilitated my first Open Space Technology event, much water has flown
under the bridge.

My record to date, April 2004, is a total of 36 OST events in two public
organization, three multinational companies and one private university.
Most of them were conducted with my friend and colleague Jorge Amigo, who
also recently subscribed to this list.

As was to be expected, the results were amazing, experience was fascinating
and we have obtained much valuable lessons from the events.

None of the above would have been possible without the unequaled support
and resources that the oslist and the wiki-web offered us. I thank you all
very much for making it possible for me to share your broad experience in
this field.

In order that I can take fuller advantage of this community, I must improve
my English. Now, with the help of a translator friend, I can offer you the
article in English (“The Spirit and Liturgy of ESSCO S.A.”) in which I
report on my first experience as an OST facilitator in a public drinking
and wastewater service (May 2002), which I had promised earlier to many of

I wrote that article together with my other friend and colleague Fernando
Rouliez, with whom I had the honor and pleasure to share all of the
challenges presented by the project on ESSCO S.A.

We think that in the overall effort of organizational development in that
company, OST played a fundamental role, which made it possible to
consolidate successfully a series of others specific interventions. We
definitively believe it was a decisive step towards achieving among all the
workers of that enterprise, the adoption of the strategic programs as their
own, so that it was possible to raise the value of the company in the
process of establishing the concession.

In effect, in December 2003 the company became a private concession in
which process it obtained the highest bids in comparison with other similar
companies, and most of the staff assumed the challenges that this change

We feel very proud of our contribution and this feeling was share by the
top management. They have already left the company, but the water still
flows and the workers are supplying the public satisfactorily under a
private administration.

Those interested in receiving this article can obtain it at:

I hope in the future to describe to you other interesting projects in
Chile, where I and my friends have used OST, with excellent results.

First things first.

Un fuerte abrazo para todos,
Juan Luis Walker B.

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