Maybe that's why it sounds like harmony
Best wishes to the three of you
Tova Averbuch             טובה אורבוך
34 Rabinovitz St.   רחוב רבינוביץ 34
Holon            58672               חולון

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of
Michael Herman
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: Practice of Peace / Chicago / June 7-9

thanks again, tova... i have to give credit to our friends harrison and
judi richardson, too.  a cumulative sort of document!  little bit here
and little bit there, mostly me learning and them contributing... <grin>

averbuch wrote:

>This is a peace of art, a melody to my ears, I will sad it to people
>just to share the tone, use as medicine
>You are a master of invitation
>Whishing you best of success with POP Chicago in June
>With admiration
>Tova Averbuch             טובה אורבוך
>34 Rabinovitz St.   רחוב רבינוביץ 34
>Holon            58672               חולון
>               972-3-5523476
>-----Original Message-----
>From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of
>Michael Herman
>Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:28 AM
>Subject: Practice of Peace / Chicago / June 7-9
>Dear OSLIST friends,
>Please share this around as is easy and feels good... and come!
>many thanks,  michaelh
>*Please join us for The Practice of Peace... an intimate and advanced
>Professional Life Development program on June 7-9, 2004 in Chicago (Oak
>Park, IL) with Harrison Owen and Michael Herman. *
>*Visit for registration and
>The old is falling apart, a new world's emerging.  Though nobody knows
>the moment.  Seems everything's in motion, but where are we going?
>Clearly we could use some Space.  And Now.  Open Space... to gather and
>talk, to work and learn, to solve and resolve our most important
>questions and issues related to:
>* Promoting excellence and learning
>* Engaging people in transformative shifts
>* Generating new revenues and assuring profit
>* Enhancing innovation and developing new products
>* Building a collaborative workplace or network
>* Focusing on assets and opportunities over problems
>* Inspiring and inviting people to do best work
>* Opening communication and connecting movements
>* Strengthening leadership and effectiveness
>* Healthy growth in organizations and communities
>* Getting things done -- in spite of everything!
>If you work with people, manage projects, convene meetings, lead
>changes, organize conferences, or teach essential skills... there is
>something in this for you.  Please join us!  And please do share it
>colleagues who would want to know that this is happening.
>I have spent a good chunk of the last few years teaching Open Space
>Technology and helping to form local practitioner groups around the
>world.  In late 2002, Melbourne Australia, I met up with my friend and
>mentor Harrison Owen and asked him to come back to Chicago.  So I am
>pleased to announce that...
>Harrison Owen will return to Chicago (Oak Park) -- June 7-9, 2004 --
>a unique and powerful three days dedicated to the Practice of Peace and
>the process of Opening Space within ourselves as leaders, our
>organizations and communities, our environment and our world.
>*Visit for details and
>registration.  Early Registration (discounted) and Scholarship Requests
>by May 7th.*
>Harrison Owen is the initiator and lead storyteller of the Open Space
>Technology  worldwide practice community.  He's worked around the world
>in all kinds of organizations, from Fortune 500 to African villages.
>recent years, through his work with Israeli and Palestinian peace
>activists, together in Open Space, he has come to understand Open Space
>as The Practice of Peace.  His experience and this advanced program is
>immediately relevent for every leader and every kind of human
>Genuine Peace and Resilient Effectiveness can never be attained with
>elimination of chaos, confusion and conflict. In fact all three are
>essential to the continuance of life. Without chaos, there is no open
>space for future possibilities. Without confusion, old ideas and ways
>thinking stick around well beyond their time. And without conflict,
>ideas and approaches fail to reach their full potential, never having
>been sharpened in the intense conversation of critical assessment.
>of the sort that brings wholeness, harmony and health to our lives only
>happens when chaos, confusion and conflict are included and
>The Practice of Peace is the conscious application of the power of
>self-organization to the healing of our fragmented world and scattering
>work. It has nothing to do with "designing self-organizing systems,"
>which is an obvious contradiction in terms. The Practice of Peace is
>creation and sustenance of the essential preconditions of
>self-organization and collective effectiveness. And the core of The
>Practice of Peace is Open Space Technology.
>*Visit for more about Practice and
>Peace.  Early Registration (discounted) and Scholarship Requests by May
>The Practice of Peace is for all of us and every organization -- chaos,
>confusion and conflict show up everywhere!  This is an invitation to
>lead and learn to surf through them -- an advanced opportunity to
>your own capacity to...
>* Understand the essential role of chaos in Open Space and in the life
>of an organization.
>* Enable the creative power of emerging new order by letting go of the
>old (order).
>* Facilitate and support the organization as it engages the process of
>grief at work (Griefwork).
>* Celebrate and sustain the new Spirit of organizations and networks.
>* Perceive the critical opportunities and empathize with the pain in
>moments of transformation.
>* Understand the function of Leadership as being different than
>positional power.
>* Maximize your own power of leadership at the junction of passion and
>* Engage your own role as Peacemaker, including the critical and
>difficult role of Silent Witness.
>*Please Join Us!  Visit for details
>and registration.  Early Registration (discounted) and First Priority
>Scholarship Requests should be received by May 7th.*
>Please with any questions!
>Michael Herman
>Michael Herman Associates
>300 West North Avenue #1105
>Chicago IL 60610 USA
>(312) 280-7838
> - consulting & publications
> - laboratory & playground
> - worldwide open space
>...inviting organization into movement
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Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610 USA
(312) 280-7838 - consulting & publications - laboratory & playground - worldwide open space

...inviting organization into movement

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