Am 11.05.2004 0:00 Uhr schrieb "Artur Silva" unter <>:

> So if OST is only an "halfway methodology", what will
> follow? Maybe something better, of course. But maybe
> something worse.

aren`t we always and only between good and bad ?
good for whom ? bad for whom ?
if something is over (a company closed, a kiss ended):
good or bad ?
over is over. good or bad ?

»halfway« seems to be in the middle of a beginning and an end.
where is the beginning, where is the end ??
is the realization of an intention the end ??

the practice of OST and the experience of OS
taught me to agree

that change don´t ask for our ideas about change.
change is taking place and direction in every moment.
change is using me as facilitator
in the only way that can happen to me in that time and moment.
success and outcome is happening in the moment
of thinking about success and outcome.
working in open space is already success and outcome
like every doing is already success and outcome.
OST gives space to become concious
that there is nothing beside open space.
intention is not to be realized in the future.
intention is touching me to act in the now,
giving space to change my intentions in every doing.


florian fischer
begleitung im wandel
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fon 0049.30. 2116752
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