KnowledgeBoard: the European Knowledge Management (KM) Community NewswireG'day 

Here is a response from a person who wishes to participate in the online event 
today 23 June:

"Thank you, Alan, for inviting us to be there also.  Please help me with the 
time.  1500 BST is 3:00pm London, yes?  (7:00am Pacific time - quite reasonable 
for me!)
Do I have that time right?  [YES].
Looking forward to joining you and the rest of the KM community then!"

Please feel welcome to contribute ... over (among) your breakfast (West Coast) 
lunch (East Coast, USA) afternoon tea in Europe or midnight snack
in Melbourne! 

Also I have been informed recently that there will be opportunity to 
participate asynchronously (at any time) for another fortnight. 
Wrt to the latter the person who is organising the events says: 

"We hope that most will sign in at the beginning, or maybe even few minutes 
before. We will see...

We would like people to be able to respond for about two weeks after the one 
hour event using the asynchronous mode ... 

People can join the follow-up forum even without participating in the one hour 

I would greatly welcome any support at any time during this adventure.


PS There are now nearly 5000 hits (not all from my family and friends :-)) on 
the paper on the KB website! 

PPS This is an invitation from one of the convenors of Knowledgeboard events, 
Edna Pasher: 

Dear Friends,
I am happy and honored to invite you all to join my dear Australian friend Alan 
Stewart in a live and online
<  <> KnowledgeBoard's
workshop  on The Conversing Company.
One of the most hotly debated issues on KnowledgeBoard in recent months
surrounded Alan Stewart's article,
<  <> 
The Conversing Company is the Hub of Innovation
Come and talk to Alan Stewart live and online.
Date: 23 June 2004 
Time: 1500 BST (1600 CET) 
Place:  <  <> 

KnowledgeBoard's workshop
With warm regards,
Dr. Edna Pasher Tel: +972-9-9551512 Fax:+972-9-9546184 

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