Dear colleagues,
Thank you much for your  supportive and thoughtful replies (onlist and offlist) 
regarding my recent post on getting started in consulting. It means so much to 
me when I hear and see replies written from the heart. 

There is that part of me that forgets that life does not simply happen in a 
linear fashion. Just need to keep on muddling through.

I also struggle with how to balance following my dream (in many ways connected 
with OS) and paying the bills. Yes, there are skills I have that can pay the 
bills, but that's time spent not doing OS. I know the resolution will come, 
just need to trust Spirit!

And also want to thank OSI USA for their generous donation to cover cost of 
travel expenses to Goa! That was very pleasant news.

On a sadder note, some of you may have read the recent news about the attack by 
Chechen rebels in Ingushetia several days back. To get an idea of how we are 
connected to these world events:

I get an sms text message from my close friend in Nazran: "there's this awful 
shooting. people are in a panic." I called her on her mobile, and I could hear 
the shots over the phone as well as explosions. One of the people killed in the 
raid, the city prosecutor for Nazran (Ingushetia's largest city), I knew 
personally. It's hard to believe that he is no longer with us. About a 100 
people died in that raid.

And I do want to bring OS there as a means of figuring out how to deal with the 
situation there...

Warmly and in sadness,

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