Hi there,

The gathering was called by the Change Community in ABN AMRO. Folk I
have been working with for one and half years crafting a chaordic space
for the change agents and heros of the future n the bank. The evolving
purpose of the change community is: To live, plant and support action
towards and more meaningful and inspiring work/life.

We were ready to come out from under the radar. Our movement in the
bank was strong enough, we felt we had a track record and credibility
enough to move form underground to over ground. So we began design.
Inspired by Larry in Toronto (thanks for the phone call) we designed a
gathering of five simultaneous open spaces.

Invitations by email, post cards sent to friends, posters all over the
bank, invites over lunch. Word spread until we had 200+ signed up. We
could fit no more in the room!
Each open space hosted by a member of the Change Community who had sat
in the fire of the Art of Hosting training. Hosted by bankers for
bankers ... each to also host the spirit f the actions that emerged
following the events ...
Each Open Space was sponsored by a champion at the top of the bank ...
roles were clarified early on.
Each Open Space was designed to create communities of practice around
specific issues ...
Each open space is followed up two months later with a second open
space again hosted by the change community host with the sponsor
present and the actions teams ...
I hosted the hosts and held the larger field.

We opened as one group, played a bit to loosen and the challenged was
we are the ones we are waiting for.

Into the five strategic question groups:
How can we unleash our pride in working for ABN AMRO?
How can we enable a culture of sharing positive success stories at ABN
How can our managers become leaders and coaches?
How can we create clear, meaningful and productive communication in all
levels of ABN AMRO?
How can we turn our most wacky ideas into positive actions?

Each group got busy in space, designing their own futures with good
vigour ... by the end of the day we had 16 action groups each with
clear next steps and links to senior management to act as roadblock
removers and supporters.

Check with the medicine wheel - we are on fire.

We then as the hosting team sat in circle and shed tears as we felt our
closeness and the collective field we had been holding for the day. Our
learning had been deep together and we had each stepped closer to our
humaness ... outside the band the playing and the spirit of the bank
had begun to dance ...


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