Greetings all,
I've a quandary, and I'm hoping for thoughts and insights.
My quandary is that I've never "done" an OS without the computers being set
up to capture the discussions and, when possible, the action planning. All
of my OS events have been for government clients or the private sector, all
of whom look for "something" to come of the event - and a book of
proceedings has always filled that bill.Even single-day events, the groups
seem to "make time" for note-taking.
I'm leading a single-day event this Wednesday for three private-sector firms
and several agencies (~20 people) that want to partner to bring a new
offering to market. There's unquestionably a lot of good energy, no negative
energy of any real concern, just a lot of good people who want to figure out
which direction to run in when the starter's pistol goes off. The invitation
asks "what do we need to do next to..."
I've got this little voice tugging at my mind, telling me to leave the
laptops and the printer in the trunk, and just to let them talk. But that
book of proceedings seems to have become my own crutch over time - I'm
worried about not having anything to "show" for the time these people have
invested, many of them flying in for the day.
Any thoughts as to what you might do in this circumstance; what you've done
in the past - any would be appreciated. I suppose OS without computers
"works" - in fact, I don't question it. How do you decide when it's best
just to let them talk?
Thanks and heartfelt appreciation for any comments you care to offer.
Phil Culhane

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