
I like your friend's definition of luck; it gives meaning to persistence in
the face of adversity or opposition.


-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: that word again...

Hello Eva,

I have always associated serendipity to mean luck.

A good friend once described luck to me as not just being in the right place
at the right time, but being in the right place enough times, that you
happen to be there at the right time.

That to me is serendipity.

Steve Gawron
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eva P Svensson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 4:32 PM
Subject: that word again...

It is the recognition that the watercooler of serendipity said Jack...

Serendipity - what does that mean? It's neither in my dictionary nor on the
same on my computer. Now I have seen it a couple of times - but what is it??
Can someone help my curiosity?

Bästa hälsningar

Eva P Svensson

EPS Human Invest AB
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-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: OSLIST []För Jack Ricchiuto
Skickat: den 26 november 2004 16:01
Ämne: Re: givens

If I have a personal agenda with the sponsor in the pre-event meeting(s) it
is to help them to understand that the space already is open, no matter what
they may think or do about it. HO

This is so profoundly important. It is the recognition that the watercooler
of serendipity - the informal organization - is where the conversations are
always open, and often more creative and honest than those in the formal
organization. And that the informal organization is the source of everything
that ultimately happens in the formal organization anyway.

Helping leaders and managers understand this is step one, I think, in a way
that cultivates their trust with us and our trust with them. The next step
is asking them a question like: what would you do if you could tap into a
power that you couldn't control but that would make you more effective and
happy about yourself in your role as leader/manager? If they express
interest in the power, my role is to then to help them discover just that.I
become their trusted guide in a new land.


jack ricchiuto /

> ------------Original Message------------
> From: Harrison Owen <>
> To:
> Date: Fri, Nov-26-2004 9:00 AM
> Subject: Re: givens
> I think I am becoming clearer about my point of discomfort with
> "Givens."
> Real Givens (as opposed to apparent) are truly immutable, or as close
> to it as such things go on Planet Earth. And for me that would include
> Gravity and the force of Self-organization, and maybe a few others
> which do not spring immediately to mind. Everything else is up for
> grabs, if not now then later.
> I absolutely concur with the notion that we must have serious and
> probing discussions with sponsors prior to an OS -- but the focus
> should not
> (probably) be about immutable Givens, but rather about what I might
> call "existential conditions as they see them." For me this
> conversation usually starts with two questions. 1) Why do you want to
> do this gathering? And
> 2)
> If it all "worked," what would have happened?
> My focus is on a critical issue (for me). How open is the space? If
> all we are talking about is "motivating the troops" to implement the
> new marketing plan, for example -- it doesn't seem to me that the
> space is really open, and doing an open space would probably be
> counter-productive, if only because the troops might just start to
> take it seriously and change the plan, no matter what had been said
> about The Plan being a sacred Given.
> Most of the Givens I have heard people talking about are not truly
> immutable. It may be the case that nobody wants to force the issue,
> but the fact remains that all budgets change, all procedures mutate,
> all structures evolve, transform, or die. If I have a personal agenda
> with the sponsor in the pre-event meeting(s) it is to help them to
> understand that the space already is open, no matter what they may
> think or do about it. Their ultimate success will depend upon
> recognition of that fact, and a willingness to involve everybody who
> cares in the navigation of that space.
> If they go for less, they will get less. And for sure I will not have
> done anybody a favor if I create the (false) impression that someone
> has the power to keep certain things off the agenda and away from the
> Wall. Of course we all have our foibles and blind spots -- and for
> some period of time, maybe even a long time -- we can get away with
> it. But I believe it to be true that a clear eyed view of things as
> they actually are is useful.
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, Maryland   20845
> Phone 301-365-2093
> Open Space Training Open Space Institute
> Personal website
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of
> Larry Peterson
> Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 5:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: givens
> Jeff:  I think you are on to something.
> "Container" or "Givens" or things that are not intended to be on the
> table by the sponsor of an event are both social constructions and
> acknowledgement of "something" that is there.  If I sit on a chair,
> that is gone, I will fall on my ass (or some other part of my anatomy)
> - I
> take that as given.   If there is a business plan that requires board
> approval for change - that is usually taken as a "given".  It does not
> mean that it cannot be changed, but it is there now - just like Human
> Rights Codes and others thing are likely there.  Of course, in Canada,
> these things may be a little less open for immediate negotiation as
> they are in the US.  I don't think George saw anything in Iraq that
> should be taken a given, other than his socially constructed vision
> for its future.
> I think it also relates to levels of awareness.  At one level there
> are no givens, every moment comes into being with the opportunity for
> novelty.  However, most rocks don't decide to decompose in a few days
> -- granite takes a little longer.  Some of my clients, from their
> perspective, have some real givens that they construct.  I think
> naming and reducing the number of them is helpful as part of planning
> to open space or deciding whether or not to open space in this
> situation with this client.  Helping them consciously reduce the
> number of givens is useful learning, I think.  Will open space work if
> that is not done - yes.
> However, I am seeing the consequences over this two week period.  One
> client I'm working with now on a series of 14 OS has had some real
> variability in how she has set the context - how clearly she has told
> people what this part of the government is wanting to do, to engage
> them in and the fact that it will not commit resources to the
> self-organization it wants to seed in the community.   The quality and
> energy of the events have been worse when she was not clear or
> passionate (she got a cold).  People were more combatitive when she
> was not honest with them from the beginning about the situation.  The
> OST has worked every time to engage people and energy around the theme.
> The
> issues emerge in the convergence and next steps when the context is
> not clearly and honestly set by the sponsor.
> Larry
> Larry Peterson
> Associates in Transformation
> Toronto, ON, Canada
> 416.653.4829
> *
> *
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