Lucas, Todd, Chris and all,

For  more information on Agile software development methods, you can look at:
and, specifically,

And, yes, they are used in situations where highly complex software is being
developed. Sometimes folks who are developing open source software use agile
methods but not always. The only time I've seen open space in a software
development context is as a conference format. (Which doesn't mean it hasn't
happened. I just am not aware of it.)

As to whether open source and/or open space and/or agile methods have some
points of congruency, I think they do. All have an emphasis on self-organization
and, as the agile folks say, finding the simplest effective way, for instance. 
the extent that some external group sets the priority for the focus of activity,
Agile and Open Space have a similar starting point. However, there are also
differences. Agile methods are intended to culminate in a primarily pre-
determined product, even though there may be adjustments along the way.
Open source developers often work in physical isolation and may communicate
primarily through email and IM-ing. That can work well for solving thorny
technical problems, but has its limits for human and organizational process
issues. I've witnessed both the excitement and the limits of this.

Comparing Open Space with Open Source and Agile SD Methods is a bit like
comparing apples, oranges and rubber tires. They all take the form of a circle,
but things are different from there.


Diana Larsen   503-288-3550

Upcoming Workshop:
"The Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills"
Presenters: Diana Larsen, Esther Derby and Ken Schwaber.
April 5-7, 2005
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