In 1985 the first Open Space happened in Monterey California. This year (in
case you haven't noticed) is 2005. In short OS has been around for 20 years
(not counting the 14,000,000,000 years previously). So what have we learned?

This is not an idle question. A recent publication of the American journal,
JABS - otherwise known as the "Journal of Applied Behavioral Science"
offered a "special issue" dealing with Large Group Interventions. All the
usual suspects appeared, but somehow Open Space was among the missing. One
of the editors, Barbara Bunker, who is definitely an acquaintance, and I
would consider a friend - told me that they had advertised for "papers" -
including the "OS Network" - and nothing showed up. Frankly, I don't recall
seeing anything, but my eyesight is getting pretty cloudy. Anyhow, I feel
inspired to ask a question - What have we learned?

This is not about making a special edition of JABS. And for sure it is not
about "sour grapes" because we were not really present in JABS. It is all
about a genuine question - What have we learned????

My hope would be to inspire/goad/embarrass/encourage each one of you to
reflect of the past 20 years (or at least that part of the 20 years in which
you participated in the OS community) - and offer up your understanding of
what you, personally, have learned - about Open Space, yourself in Open
Space, about organizations in Open Space. And of course anything else you
choose to share.

I would hope that we would hear from more than the usual suspects. This is a
call to all you Lurkers! Last time I checked there were some 440 folks on
OSLIST. Not everybody has been heard from! Now would be a good time to break
the silence!!!

And although it is doubtless Politically Incorrect - I suggest a rule for
our discussion. Pretend this is a closing circle, and we are passing the
Talking Stick. Take a moment, maybe even a LONG moment (days/weeks) to
reflect on what you have learned, and then talk as long as you want. And not
just the "good stuff" - the pain and disillusionment as well, if that is
your story. You have the stick! And please NO COMENTARY! I suggest that we
just let this roll without response - just like a Closing Circle. 

In August we will gather for OSONOS in Halifax. That gathering will be a lot
of things - but one of the things it WILL be is a celebration of 20 years in
Open Space. I can think of no greater birthday present from everybody to
everybody than a reasoned, articulate description of what we have learned in
the 20 years on the journey.


Ps Assuming we have really learned something and manage to give that
learning expression, there is no doubt in my mind that a copy of our
Collected Works would be fun to read. ho

Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, Maryland   20845
Phone 301-365-2093

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