Anne's Freudian slip (?) points to the essence. It's participation by
principals that matters :-)

(From online dictionary:


.  A main participant in a situation.
.  A person having a leading or starring role)

With love

Hong Kong

----- Original Message -----
From: anne stadler
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:46 AM
Subject: Principals, process, people

  Lest we forget:  it is people connecting directly to Spirit (via the Law
of Two Feet: take responsibility for what you love, what has heart and
meaning!!) ...that is the essence of OST.  The minimal patterns of OST are
human: planetary-wide/beyond culture—so OST easily fosters the practical,
material collective expression of Spirit, focused by an invitation.
   Re. Appreciative Inquiry: AI asks simple questions which help people re-
member when Spirit animated their lives/work—and cues them to bring the
essence of that memory into the present moment.
   The combo is catalytic: opening a group to its own Spirit communication
system, as each member asks “What has heart and meaning?” And shows up.
   AND I agree wholeheartedly with HHO: what’s the ESSENCE? The
irreducible less. Love, Anne * *

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