Thank you, Harrison, for inviting the question of what we each have
learned - about Open Space about ourselves, and about organizations in /
about / via Open Space.

One day in 2000 I decided I really needed to go to a certain workshop -
even though I had no idea what it was about.  It turns out it was a
week-long workshop on and in Open Space, led by this bloke named
Harrison.  It also turns out that over half of the participants
attending also had no idea why they needed to be there but needed to be
there.  (In fact, one guy posted a topic 'why am I here?' and that was
one of the richest discussions we had!)

As Harrison spoke each morning I felt I heard the words in my very cells
- for that is what truth is like when someone else speaks it - you know
it, as well, right when they are saying it.  With other amazed,
delighted and thoughtful people I jumped into Open Space and twirled and
floated and soared and swooped and glided and tumbled and fluttered and
zoomed in Open Space.

I'd felt like I had found my tribe, and I hadn't known I'd been lost
before that - only that (as brother Chris mentioned) I had found home.

Since then I've opened space for one person, for 1500 people all
speaking different languages meeting in a huge airplane hangar, for
great big teamster guys banging their chests and roaring at each other,
for 850 young people holding concurrent sessions on everything from
racism to chess to child slavery to teaching the Chicago Hustle (a
dance), for doctors and nurses fighting the AIDS epidemic, for Catholic
parishioners co-creating the Diocese's strategic plan, for top
management and housekeepers of a luxury golf resort property...and I've
posted sessions on and in silence and in movement and in spoken word.

...oh the places you go in Open Space.

I've learned...

...that when you work in Open Space you get to be hired by visionaries
creating breathing and sparks and nutritious environments in their
organizations and communities...

...that if you mess with it by thinking you need to help and solve and
soothe you can squish it like a soufflé...

...that even an animated personality such as me becomes completely
invisible as soon as space opens...

...that people who bring in Open Space to their organizations,
communities and conferences are brave and have faith and believe in the
wisdom of the collective...

...that I'm addicted to being able to witness people re-discovering that
they are amazing and they can do anything they set their minds and
creativity to...

...that listening, truly listening, is often more powerful than

...that like bodywork and other holistic health approaches, Open Space
is helpful on an ongoing basis to keep things healthy and flexible, not
just when something hurts...

...that this global community of facilitators, learners and enthusiasts
of Open Space are a special tribe and that our work and our connection
makes me feel that we help to weave the world together...

...that the best way to further one's work and one's learning is by
being generous...

...that whatever happens and whenever and whomever and be prepared
because the best thing always happens in the best way possible if you
just let go and open your arms wide's just that it doesn't
always happen as or when or how you expected it...

...that it's very easy to live in Open Space - for some people it just
takes a little practice but it gets easier all the time...

- - -

...and so I pass the talking stick, or listening stone, or computer the next one of my fellow OSniks.  I look forward to hearing
more of your thoughts and reflections...

Take care, fellow navigators of Open Space,


L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
+01 510 548-8449

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