I think I have read the books you speak about. It was a kind of scientific
investigation of the powers that these people had if I remember correctly.
Hard to judge the veracity of what is described but an excellent read none
the less. I'm a little surprised  (assuming it's the same books) that it's
not more widely known. I borrowed the copy I had and had completely
forgotten the title and author. I'll be checking the web in a minute.

On the more pressing and personal journey you are taking with your father,
my thoughts are with you. Me he go softly into what lies beyond.
God bless.


At 22:00 31/03/2005, you wrote:

In a message dated 3/6/05 5:57:41 AM, writes:

For more, read anything by Thomas Berry, especially The Great Work.  Or
enjoy Brian Swimme's The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos.  For a connection to
the corporate world, global finance, and our more immediate, earthly issues,
devour David Korten's two latest books: When Corporations Rule the World and
The Post-Corporate World.

Dear Friends in OS,

I have been doing a lot of reflecting on some of these conversations about
the universe, reality and such.  Lumps, jitters, jiggles, etc.  Don't know
if anyone here has ever read "Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far
East" by Baird Spalding or not.  Quoting from one of the Forewards of the
five volume work, speaking about the Masters he met, "The LIVE Truth,
which is a part of the Universe itself.  Life is really traceable back
into the misty past which bears to us the accomplishments of hundreds of
thousands of past centuries.  To us, life is bound about by every
limitation and convention. (emphasis added).  To them, life is boundless,
ceasless, unending bliss and happiness; the longer the span of life, the
greater the joy and the more worth while the living."

My reflection is also colored and influenced by the impending death of my
father, the next to last at age 93 of his entire generation of my family
heritage.  Only his brother is still here after him, already age 90.  The
true family patriach is passing (father of four sons, as am I with Joelle).

It is in that light that I was thinking of the true work of the human
being.  It seems to me we get caught in limitation and convention when we
have seen what a human being is meant to be, a wholly loving, unlimited
being.  Jesus of Nazareth is only one example, albeit certainly an
advanced example.  The Masters Spalding met could materialize food (feed
the 5,000), cross on water, change the vibrational levels of their body so
as fire would not burn ("passing through the crowd, he went his way" Luke
4:30---where they were going to throw Jesus off a cliff---put yourself in
that situation and ask "How did He do that?  Pass through an angry crowd
bent on killing him?").

What I'm pondering is what mess of pottage have we sold our birthright
for?  Reality?  What is that?  And, why are we not able to use reality in
such a way as to heal, to live wholly choiceful loving lives?  Is OS,
miraculous as it is to us used to planning, organizing, leading and
controlling, really just an indicator, a pale shadow of what is possible
if we could only get our minds and spirits freed up to see the actuality
of the cosmos?

And what might be that 'work'?  In what ways might that be made truly
possible?  Not just occasionally, but ALL the time.  These are some of the
reflections the conversations on the List have provoked in me lately.  Who
might we become if we should learn 'the Way'?

Flying up from Arcata, California one evening as the sun was setting I was
privileged to see a most amazing sunset wherein there was a dark, dark
cloud bank beneath which the sun was shining in deep red and purple
hues.  The cloud bank must have extended for many miles out into the
Pacific Ocean because above that shaft of cloud was no sun, just the
deepening blue of the space night as evening descended.  The following
poem leaped into my mind (literally, I think):

Darkling sky, twilight imbued,
Split by an inky shaft of cloud.
Fire purple below, ascending blue,
My spirit shouts outloud!

"The veil, the veil is separateness
concealing you from me.
O' pierce, o' pierce that darkened shroud
And set our spirits Free!"

A musing Paul.  Many thanks for being there.

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