The question for me is in the present continuous - what am I learning?
Participatory planning meetings have been part of my modus operandi since
the mid 80s when I was trained in  Search Conferencing a la Fred and
Merrelyn Emery (Australia).  Approx 10 years later I was told about Open
Space Technology.  I read some and loved it; and, finally after too many
years, I had the great fortune of attending Harrison's opening space on the
Practice of Peace at the invitation of Michael Herman in Chicago only last
year.   Having experienced the Practice of Peace,  living in open space  is
now a continuous learning process of discovering I can open space daily /
hourly when I need it for me, and for and with others.   It helps me in
times of urgency, frustrated with desire to make a difference.   In such
times Harrison's words "we muddle through" come up for me.   They are so
leveling and humbling.  They allow me to catch my breath and settle....the
principles of self-organizing simply are.   My husband, Juergen, also
attended in Chicago, so we have that wonderful experience in common.   We
feel blessed.    Professionally, I am far more patience and gracious;  when
I can open space with clients I love it because I know they will benefit.  I
would like it to happen more, but when it happens, it happens and it's
powerful.  I feel empowered as the participants take back their own power
and it's powerful in every sense - we connect to something deeper and more
powerful than we ever could as individuals and it moves us all.

Thank you, HO, and all you wonderful people: your stories mostly send
tingles up my spine.  I read the OSList.serv and so often find myself
bowing my head in gratitude.  I am learning.


Robyn Stratton-Berkessel
LIT Global ...connecting the dots
+1 732 291 0462

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Brian S
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 11:21 PM
Subject: What I have learned

Dear Harrison
Talking recently with Larry Peterson, it became clear
that I had omitted one of the important learnings from these recent years.
And I am labeling it "The Role of Ritual". I recall that, at Days Inn in
perhaps the Third International OSonOS, you just opened the space by saying
something like "Well here we all are, and we all know what to do - so let's
get on with it". I, and Larry (and I have heard you say) reckon that the
ritual at the start of an OS gathering is very important. It would be no
surprise to you to hear me say how important I see ritual as being, given
that you and I are priests.  We may not understand its origin or its full
meaning, but its impact is always something that matters in some fashion to
those present.  The same applies, IMHO, in an OS Event. Walking the circle,
engaging the eyes, focusing the spirit, opening the space, inviting the
participation and the passions to emerge, etc. - all vital. No less vital is
the opportunity, I believe, of evoking spirit with some kind of talking
stick exercise at the close of the event, which challenges/invites
participants to touch into their own soul and share whatever they are able
to with others present. That, too, is ritual of a special and growing kind.
Enough from me. Cheers and blessings,  BRIAN

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