[Therese had sent her wish out for sliding scale registration fee, and
Judi replied to say it is possible..]

Wow!  You see how easy it is?  And how powerful?

You put out your intention to come to Halifax (as Ms. Therese is doing),
you have the courage to ask (before this she asked me directly to put
her on the Askers list and we talked about what she might need - but she
had even more .courage? faith?  to put it out there for everyone to

And how do you like that - Ms. Judi responded to let me / us / Therese
know of the potential for a sliding scale *if* there are enough people
who pay *full* registration price for OSonOS Halifax.

So there you have it: the "ask" is out there, doing its good already.

And you can help Therese and other Askers by:

-          paying the full registration fee for OSonOS Halifax (and
paying it soon so we know what we have to offer in terms of slippery
slidey fees for Askers)

-          contributing some money to the Access Queen Fund
(you can send me a check through the post for US dollars or other
currency you think I can convert at the local exchange office, or
contribute to the fund via credit card at
http://www.openspaceworld.org/donate  (10% of your contribution via
credit card will cover processing costs) or contact me directly at

-          renewing or starting a new membership in your local Open
Space Institute (who often help Askers by contributing directly to the
Access Queen Fund or offering support to people who send requests for
travel moneys such as the OSI-US does)

-          letting me know that you'll buy accommodation at OSonOS for
*two* people so we can offer free accommodation to an Asker

-          letting me know what sort of cash you can bring that I can
give to Askers who need pocket money for food and other items at the

-          renewing or beginning your membership in the Open Space World

-          inviting OS folks in your region to gather together to raise
money for one or more of you to get to OSonOS

.and so many other ways.

And you Askers out there - don't forget to let me know if you want me to
keep an 'eye out' for resources that someone may wish to share with you.
Do ask.

Remember: the soup is tastier if we all look into our own cupboards to
add a little carrot here, a potato here, some spice here - to make a
marvelous Access Broth - really quite nutritious and goes a long way
(and low-calorie as well!).

L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
+01 510 548-8449
 <mailto:lisah...@openingspace.net> lisah...@openingspace.net
 <http://www.openingspace.net> www.openingspace.net

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