I wanted to thank you Ralph for the limerick, it was definitely a lot
tamer than the limerick I saw posted on a Moscow expat listserv
inspired by your Poetry in a Pocket Day,...

And I wanted to thank you, Therese and Masud for your public somewhat
heated exchange. It's not that I like to watch people fighting in
public. But I do like to see us grow as a community? (I'm not sure
we're a community, so for now, I imagine we're a "community?").

Just like my weakness for sweetness, I have a weakness (I like to
think) for dancing at the edge. And I think all this limerick business
and your exchange/nonexchange with Masud, Therese, helped edge us

In other words, I find this North American politeness thing rather
boring. Rather, it's not boring. More exactly, it doesn't expand our
NOW, as Harrison might put it. Is this making sense? Or should I be
looking for another rocking chair from a Christian missionary



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