All the participants at the Turtle conference received a t-shirt
commenmorating the event. . . I never wear t-shirts but I took one,
size XL.  I immeditely thought I'd put it in the Spirited Work auction
but Spirited Work is fading out a bit and there will be no Spirited
Work auction this year. . . . SO! I am donating my black size XL
t-shirt to the OSonOS auction.

This t-shirt has a custom-designed turtle logo on the front and a cool
quote about self-organizing or something on the back.  If you would
like to own it but won't be in Halifax, please feel free to send me
your bids via email.  Since this is a fun-raiser, minimum bid for this
one-a-kind item that marks an aweseomf development in the field of
self-organizing systems can be yours. . . .If you would like to make
an extremely high bid right now so the funds can be made available in
advance of Halifax, please send me your extremely high bids and I'll
see if I want to accept it.

Another item coming your way in the auction (and also available via
email):  as one of the co-convenors of the Seattle Practice of Peace,
I was gifted a blue and black sarong.  Blue is my color but sarongs
are not 'me'. . . this is no ordinary sarong for it is embued with the
transformative energy field we created at the Seattle Practice of

And finally, my last auction item of the week, that I will bring to
OSonOS (and send if for some reason I don't pull together the money to
actuallyl get there.. . . I try not to think about such possibilities.
. . ) I have a brand new purple polartec scarf that someone gave me
for Xmas two years ago and I have never worn.  A perfectly nice scarf.
. . but I am set in my ways and it isn't me.  Minimum bids on this
will be low, like $3 (hmmm . . . will the OSonOS auction be done in
Canadian or US dollars and what the heck will the exchange  rate be in

Oops. . . I just thought of something else.  Last summer, in a fit of
hopefulness, I bought a three-CD set of lectures about Vipassana
meditations.  I have still not listened to these CD's even though each
of the three speakers are leading Buddhist teachers.  Original retail
value:  $35 (US). . . minimum bid in August (or via email if you are
interested. . .) is $5 (US).

I might need to ship a trunk to Halifax because I will have so much
stuff to sell.

Warmly, Therese Fitzpatrick

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