Pat Black wrote:
>I would say that the unstated assumptions of the OS network are the same
as any other network that includes living beings and in this case humans
and they are:
>That humans are self revealing in all their actions and communications.

Thank you Pat, but is that all?
The point you make relates to individuals within the OS Network. How about
the OS Network itself?
For instance, with my long-time employer IBM - with which I worked through
its best and worst phases - an unsaid assumption seemed to be "We have got
it right so often; as has happened before, we will win in the end".

An assumption that Therese stated about our list was "Each person believes
we can have a better world." Now that is something that (almost) everyone
in the world would believe - the large majority of whom would not be on
this list, or other similar lists. How the "better world" comes into being
is where differences come in.

For instance, I believe the principle "Whoever comes are the right people"
has an assumption built in - simply considering the choice of words, which
are not neutral. (This has been raised before, and my purpose in bringing
it up is not to hammer home the point. This "self-realing" example popped
into my head again at this time)

So? I am still stuck

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