Peggy -- you will note that I said,  " I can certainly understand that for 
reasons of client sensitivities or facilitator sensitivities WC, AI, or FS may 
be the preferred way to go."-- and I can  appreciate your strategy that if all 
roads lead to Open Space any road will do. And of course I think a helping hand 
can be occasionally useful even though I personally kick all stray dogs and 
immediately banish the helpless to hopelessness. But that really wasn't my 
point. I was simply observing the fact that we (all of us some of the time, and 
some of us most of the time) seemingly obsess on Processes as if they were the 
source of our salvation. In doing so we may forget that the Process, at best, 
is an artificial assist for natural functions. Sort of organizational CPR, I 
suppose. And in the case of CPR you do only enough to get the old heart going 
again. Long term CPR is off the mark -- except possibly in certain 
circumstances and with particular partners. One of my major learnings from Open 
Space has been how LITTLE assistance people actually require in order to 
effectively utilize their natural gifts and talents. I think we have all had 
the experience with a client group when somebody says "What you are proposing 
(in my case OS) sounds just wonderful -- BUT it could never work with THIS 
GROUP! And of course, if it is never tried, it will never work. And besides 
"it" doesn't work -- the people work. But if the fates are smiling, and despite 
all misgivings, fears and trepidations, Open Space is attempted -- Miracle! But 
of course it is not a miracle. On the contrary, it is just what you would 
predict. Turns out "THIS GROUP" is just like groups everywhere. Given the 
space/time -- they will get the job done. For me, less is best, and even lesser 
would be better still. Get rid of the whole bloody mess, WC, AI, FS, and of 
course OS too. How is that for striking a blow for freedom?


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD  20854
207-763-3261 (summer)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Peggy Holman 
  Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 11:54 AM
  Subject: Re: Growing Together at the Emerging Edge of Evolution (long)

  Harrison said:

  Through my eyes it has always appeared to me that there is precious little 
that occurs at a deep level in WC, AI, and FS -- that does not also occur in 
OS. Further, that the deepest moments of the preceding three happen when the 
space (for whatever reason) is most fully open...if the common point of power 
is open space -- why not just Open Space? Not much else needed. 

  Harrison, I deeply and firmly believe that all roads lead to Open Space.  And 
yet, I do work with AI and occaisionally TWC and I applaud the work of my fs 
colleagues.  Why?  Because they are where a client is willing to start AND they 
lead to Open Space.

  Years ago I remember you telling me that anytime you do something for 
another, it disempowers them.  Anytime I consider supporting someone in some 
way, I think of this.  As I've experimented with this through the years  
(mostly by not stepping in to help), I saw others support someone that I had 
left (lovingly) to find their way on their own.  In many cases, that helping 
hand gave the person or group the start they needed to take the next step on 
their own.  My conclusion: there are times that support, provided sparingly and 
always, always with the intent of letting go, is of service.  That is how I 
hold any work I do that requires me to do silly facilitator gyrations like 
asking people to do activity a, then b.  

  The critical, critical discipline for me is to continually ask myself my 
favorite Harrison design question: "what's one less thing to do (and have this 
be whole and complete)?"  I know without hesitation that anytime things start 
getting complicated that it is time to step back and ask, "what is the intent?" 
and "what is the minimum required for this to occur"?

  You said: is not The Designed Process (AI, FS, WC, or OS) but rather the natural 
gift possessed by all of us that deserves the credit. 

  ...I seriously doubt that the genesis of all that good stuff happened because 
of brilliant design and application. It happened because a total natural and 
pre-existing phenomenon was allowed to do its work. Most importantly, this 
phenomenon was NOT the creation of the conference designers and facilitators. 
It was in fact the natural "possession" of the group as a whole, and each 
individual present. 

  Absolutely!  Goodness knows that I wouldn't dream of taking credit for their 
work!  I do believe that what is useful is naming what is happening (e.g., 
speaking the law and the principles) so that they have the gift of consciously 
knowing what's working and can take it with them when they leave.  

  To that end, I have taken to describing the law of two feet with the phrase 
"Take responsibility for what you love".  While simply another way of talking 
about passion and responsibility, it has remarkable potency.  In fact, I 
learned something new about the implications of this invitation.  On my way to 
breakfast on the third morning, one of the many luminaries at the gathering 
stopped me with a clear, crisp call.  She said that she'd just "gotten" what it 
means to take responsibility for what you love.  She explained that she had 
been excluded from a journal on a subject in which she is an acknowledged 
expert.  She had been hurt and fretting about it and wasn't sure what to do 
with the angst.  She told me she woke up with my face in hers saying, "take 
repsonsibility for what you love" and immediately knew what she had to do.  She 
started composing a letter to the publisher telling him that he needed to 
publish something of hers and indeed, that he needed her as a keynote at an 
upcoming conference.  And with that, she could let go.  She went on to say (and 
this is where my new learning comes in) that in the past she would have told 
herself that it was her ego talking and let it go.  What the phrase "take 
responsibility for what you love" did for her was help her discern calling from 
ego.  It gave her the power to act appropriately.

  Wow!  She did the work.  No question.  Yet those words -- take responsibility 
for what you love --  the essence of Open Space, made it possible for her to 
clearly see herself and her power in a new way.

  As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any better.

  from sunny Seattle,

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