that really is a beautiful picture you shared with us,
thank you! 
art, especially music seems to be a very powerful
phenomena that opens the space immensely...
so, this practice of peace in Berlin, is that a dream
or a possibility that will happen? I am personally
very interested in a practice of peace because I also
dream to have one in Turkey one day :) 


--- "Pannwitz, Michael M" <mmpa...@boscop.de> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> I was not there, just watched in on Television,
> the performance of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
> in Ramallah last
> Sunday.
> Something happened in Ramallah that is by all
> criteria:
> political, organisational, cultural, physical, etc.
> impossible.
> A group of young palestinian, arab and spanish
> musicians performing
> with
> Daniel Barenboim in a place where they could never
> be together.
> Till the day before the event utter uncertainty
> about whether it
> would actually work.
> After 5 years of work on this project (starting in
> Weimar, taking
> "West-Eastern Divan" from one of Goethes literary
> works and continued
> with yearly workshops in Sevilla with its historic
> tradition of  a
> productive collaboration of jews and arabs centuries
> ago) equipped
> with Diplomatic Passports by the Spanish government
> they actually
> came to Ramallah.
> A musical demonstration of amazing quality
> (Beethovens Fifth)
> performed by 15 to 30 year old musicians from Egypt,
> Syria, Jordan,
> Lebanon, Israel and Spain....a glimpse of the future
> of people living
> together in productive collaboration with
> implications far beyond
> Ramallah. But what a place to have it take place!
> This reminded me so much of the events in Rome (that
> lead to
> Harrisons book "Practice of Peace") and again in
> Cypress this year.
> Palestinians and Israelis meeting in a foreign
> place, on the
> invitation of a foreign government.
> There are peacemakers all over the place using such
> similar methods
> as Music and Open Space Technology and others.
> My dream is to have a divergent crowd at the
> Practice of Peace
> Program November 30 and December 1 and 2 in Berlin
> (not to forget the celebration of Harrisons 70th on
> the 2nd of
> December, when he will actually have completed seven
> decades of his
> journey on this planet).
> Greetings from Berlin
> mmp
> Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
> ++49-30-772 8000
> www.boscop.de   www.michaelmpannwitz.de
> Check out the new Open Space World Map now with 312
> resident Open Space Workers in 57 countries (working
> in a total of 115 countries worldwide)
> www.openspaceworldmap.org
> *
> *
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