You started this thread a while back and a rather simple (and old) answer came 
to me this morning.

Since this message is brought to you by the letter "s," it is broken down into 
two parts, one serious, one silly. The serious is but a repetition/paraphrasing 
(I think) of what you (and imagine many others) have said, Harrison.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>serious part begin here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Whereever we are as humans, whatever our capabilities (in all four senses- 
mental, physical, emotional, spiritual), we are always muddling through and 
that is wonderful. It is very hard to say where exactly we are going; form is 
always reforming/transforming, essence is always evolving. 

Since 1985, however, when a certain trickster raven imbibed two martinis, an 
invitation was born: an invitation for something so big, yet so subtle that we 
probably cannot put it into words. One phrasing of that invitation is that we 
can choose to muddle through consciously now, to do it in open space. That's 
the best we can do as humans at this time.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>serious part end here/silly part begin here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

One of the things that happens in OST meetings is the possibility of high 
learning and high play.

If we are to take the notion of high play to one logical conclusion, then we 
might choose to talk not of Large Group Intervention Tools but of Large Group 
Intervention Toys. In other words, use of these LGIT's- or at least OST- is 
accessible to just about anyone. 

Transformation of consciousness through play.

Serious rethinking as to who/what constitutes a professional.

I wish for a periodical on the application of OST and other LGIT's called 
"Tales of a Toy."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>silly part end here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

(today's sponsor of the letter "s")

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