For me, i tried to map the territory i found myself in life...but then i wanted 
to destroy all the maps.

Sometimes i need maps, sometimes i prefer getting lost to discover more then 
any map can show me.
So it's a critical balance...i check myself, if i am interested i 
read....otherwise i leave it.  

I must say though; i enjoy every dialogue, every contact much more when i can 
destroy all the maps
about myself and others.   

Going, living through conflicts, talking to people, sharing...opening space to 
dialgue or not being able to open space
teaches me more then any book.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Chris Corrigan 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 8:49 PM
  Subject: Re: An OS "critique" and response

  Tracy, my own take on this stuff is that OST has actually led me to things 
like Spiral Dynamics and Integral Theory and not the other way around.  I think 
OST facilitation is fundamentally a practice first, and the theory comes later 
once you see what is going on and get curious about how it all happens.  

  For me maps like this always help me to help a client to understand the 
deeper implications of what is going on, why OST seems to be (and is) so 
transformational.  But it's important to use language that works for you and 
for the sponsor.

  Ken Wilber is one person whose thinking has helped a lot.  Michael Herman's 
work has really been most useful in adopting this stuff to OST for me.  And 
there are many others, including Stuart Kauffman, Meg Wheatley, Angeles Arrien, 
David Bohm, Steven Johnson, Peggy Holman and Anne Stadler, Alan Stewart, 
Christina Baldwin, Fritjof Capra. Pema Chodron, Otto Scharmer, Adam Kahane, 
William Issacs and Peter Senge who have all been influential in helping to map 
the territory I find myself on as a result of using OST. 



  On 8/30/05, Envision Halifax <> wrote:
    I am now kicking myself a bit for missing the session in Halifax on Spiral 
Dynamics but at the time, the topic sounded strange for someone new on the 
scene. In reading this very interesting discussion I have collected a few 
pieces from people that brought me to a question. As someone new, trying to 
learn and navigate the sea of information:

    Is there real value in learning about Spiral Dynamics as it relates to 
opening space and for those of you who are familiar with SD, how has it helped 
you with opening space? (I think Funda was starting to get close to connecting 
this with her post)

    Pieces of posts on this topic that made me consider why I would take time 
to learn more about SD…

    I don't have a clue who said what to whom -- but what I do know is that 
when  you open some space -- folks get to work. 
    The rest of it is kind of immaterial. (T-1, T-17 --). Harrison Owen

    …Anyway, I think systems that create hierarchies are inherently faulty, no 
help for it.  That includes programs that 'certify' somebody to do something 
they are already perfectly capable of doing all by themselves or by just 
following instructions with a lot of heart.
    Paul Everett

    ...all human beings move in and out of levels of development, levels of 
consciousness and levels of understanding.  I might be green about social 
issues, orange about art (orange is second tier, above green) and red about 
homophobia in the same moment.  Few human beings live frozen, stuck in just one 
way of being for all issues in life.  As a workplace meeting takes place, for 
example, participants might move in and out of memes like shifting sands.

    Tree Fitzpatrick

    I really respect all of the thoughtfulness and work that people have put 
into posts on this topic and others. I will visit the links, thank you for the 


    Tracy Boyer

    Volunteer Coordinator   

    Envision Halifax

    PO Box 941

    Halifax CRO, NS

    B3J 2V9


    Fx. 902.425.6904

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