After being away from emails for a bit - it is wonderful to read the rich
conversations.  This week I was privileged to play with an intro/training
for Open Space Technology - fresh in the glow of OSonOS 2005 - incredibly
rewarding as this event sold out at 200!  Principals, Vice-Principals,
School Board Members meet for two days each year in a summer retreat just
prior to school returning - all playing in OST for the second day!  We had a
ball.  And mentoring circles started to spring up, several instantly took
how I had been using OST in teaching and are taking it further.  They want
more training and experience!  


A few comments from the closing circle.

I've been attending this retreat for 18 years and have never felt this

I was skeptical and am now an ambassador.

We are a terrific system.

Yesterday I saw you all as attentive audience members - today in OST I saw
you as wise, professional, compassionate colleagues.

I'm using OST for staff meetings whenever possible.

I was a teacher and now an administrator - I am astounded at how much
freedom I experienced.

And many, many more!


The sponsoring committee was both challenged and delighted as always.  After
meeting with the sponsoring team, we chose to spend the first 45 minutes to
an hour with some philosophy, videos, description of Open Space - and I was
absolutely so excited to simply get into opening the space.  It was a
wonderful gift to me of giving back to a system that gave so much to my
family - several of my sons' teachers were there.  The questions at the end
of the afternoon were simple, straightforward and brilliant.  Participants
grasped the simplicity of the form - gentle and tough!  I was astounded as
they left ready to get out there and try it.  I am humbled to witness a
system touch and tune into itself - so powerful.







Judith Richardson, MA, BA, BEd, MEC

PONO Consultants International

Optimizing Performace, Potential and Profitability

Phone: 902.434.6695

FAx: 902.435.1085

Winner International Coach of the Year 2004

Nominee Progress Club Woman of Excellence 2005


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