Dear colleagues,
if you want to attend one of the stammtische taking place in various
locations around the world on September 5, 7 pm,
have a look at
click on "stammtische".

In the German language listserve (yahoo group) with 195 members the
following stammtische were announced
(details to exact locations via the contact persons at the button
"stammtische" in the world map):
-Bratislava, Slovakia
-Saarbruecken, Germany (they offer overnite stay for people attending
from out of town)
-Hamburg, Germany (they call their stammtisch "Sherry Time")
-Bielefeld, Germany
-Augsburg, Germany (Bavaria, they will discuss having a regional
OSonOS in Bavaria next Summer with the possibility of people from the
"South" including Switzerland and Austria to attend)
-Switzerland (Biel)
-Berlin, Germany (with people present that will have news from
Halifax, Ukraine, Pakistan....)

I have also heard about the one in New York taking place....and
others will take place even though they dont announce it each time on
our lists.

In case new stammtische are in the making anywhere
let me know and they will be added to the list of now

Share what needs sharing from the stammtische (drinks you had,
flashes of inspiration, on the Three Martini story...)

Greetings from Berlin

Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49-30-772 8000

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