Michael and Alan-the "Lesson Plan" - very cute, indeed.  Okay here goes.
About 2 months prior to OSonOS I get a call from the co-chair of the
association of over 200 Principals and Vice-principals in the region.  She
and the other co-chair had attended an evening "demo" of OST I did for the
local association of business women who could not quite figure out what the
heck "Judi does" and as I enjoy OST as one of the things I do, I gave them a
taste so they could have conversations about their association!!  That
evening they asked about how I had specifically applied OST as a Prof in
College and University and with the P to 12 system in assisting the League
of Peaceful Schools.  When I received the call these two women were excited
about the possibilities.  In fact both had gone right back and held the rest
of their staff meetings for the year in circle - no tables.  So - she tells
me about the two day conference or summer retreat for up to 200.  I, of
course, suggested 2 days in OST.  They already had some bookings for the
first day.  And they had talked the session they attended up so much the
VP's and P's wanted to know the in's and out's of application, more than
just experiencing it.


One day for training 200 in Open Space?  Hmmm.. Okay so I'm playing in the
realm of all possibility and potential because OSonOS is coming and that is
my playground. The most I've had in an OST learning lab is about 35.   So, I
remember back a few years to Julie inviting Judi, Michael H. and Chris C to
Alaska through a School District.  Two days of OST for about 300 and then 2
days of training for 60.  Large circle, using a microphone, 3 different
styles - it all just emerged and we had a blast!


So I met to find out what day one was all about - communication.  I was very
straightforward, agreed with them, and suggested they might want to bring
that down to a more workable size.  I have watched myself and others delight
in hiding behind large, vague statements like that.  I spoke to a few of the
membership and heard that on a personal level overwhelm, dealing with
discipline and conflict, along with all the lists you and I could easily
make were the hot items.  Also the fact that they are in separate schools
and really wanted to talk to each other about what really matters.   Then I
meditated and hung out for a few days on what one day of OST with a minimal
amount of instruction could bring to the group.


What I love most is watching a system connect to itself - seeing people
"remembering" their knowing.  And I have seen how even a couple of hours of
OST can unleash that.  So - okay Universe - bring it on.  I checked out and
even spoke to a speaker or two from the first day to find out their focus.
What also has become clearer and clearer when I'm asked to mentor OST or
give learning labs is the deep and personal connection people make to the
simplicity.  When that deep connection is made they usually say - hey this
isn't anything new, and I say right on you already know it.


So - when they asked for 45 minutes to one hour of "overview" prior - I knew
that I couldn't just have them sit as I went over the basics... yawn!  So I
chose to cover the story - what, when, where, why of OST.  We explored the
future being created in webs of human conversation in small groups, creating
compelling visions.  We explored chaos and control - and I laugh as one
woman even said out loud and hit her head - There is no Control, There is no
Control!  And then as I used video clips and the posted matrix and signs as
demos - we explored the simplicity of form of OST AND related it to
ourselves personally.  The Circle, Breath, Givens (personal as boundaries),
emergent qualities - staying with what wants to express itself even when
uncomfortable, the question (appreciatively and to build a compelling
vision), accountability, passion and responsibility, marketplace and
newswall, meeting format, facilitator, decision making (using the brilliant
example of the answer emerging from the center at OSonOS), individual and
collective, conflict, OST as cosmic mirror or group awareness, generative
listening - the space inside.  I also shared some of the Canada/US research
I was involved in with the Conference Board of Canada in org. culture and
the quality of the space in which meetings take place.   We also explored
how richer our time together is when we talk about what matters.  And they
loved the "dead moose" analogy of course.


And when they were ready to jump into OST (or when the bladders were calling
from morning coffee) - we broke, straightened up the circle.  Because they
were watching to apply what they had just explored, they were incredibly
attentive - increasing my mindfulness as I walked the circle and opened the


Noisy - this group was engaged from the start - we laughed and laughed.  The
laughter really stands out in my mind and heart.  This is the educational
system my sons grew up in and several of their teachers where participants.
My sons - and yeah I'm biased - have grown up to be amazingly decent human
beings - caring and funloving.  They are a product of this system.  To be
given the opportunity to give back to that system and see the rejuvenation
and capacity building in the group - well how cool is that?


Theme:  System Communication:  What's Possible?

Topics generated:

How to make synergy work in a school

Communication - Quality over quantity works

Developing Integrity of Conversation

Building collaboration and respect with a new school community

How to open a conversation about a topic everyone has already shut down

How can we create more opportunities for administrators to share insights,
expertise, experiences, etc., without a set agenda?  ie informal networking

How to create a time and space for parents to communicate and participate in
school culture and community

How would you like to see your relationship and communication with your
Board member?

Sharing Board initiatives (directives) with staff

Friendly vs. Friends:  Building rapport with students

How can we foster more open dialogue/conversation among school

How do we open communication with external agencies who will support

Issues around making a move to a new building and/or a new position.

How would you see this process working with parent concerns in your school?

How to build collegial relationships

Creating a climate for an opportunities for staff meetings that are

Supportive Supervision - Cooperative evaluation "TIME"

What are some creative ways support teachers with time to engage in ongoing

Building rapport and sense of trust with staff, students, and parents in a
new school community.

How can we foster a culture of trust and collaboration in a staff that makes
unhealthy assumptions about each other?

What strategies could be used to improve staff relations with a colleague
that is negative?

Staff "meetings" - need to have them to pass along info (traditional model)
vs. making the meetings meaningful, productive, and collaborative and
engaging ALL.

How can we help parents create a safe home environment?

How do we weave together what needs to happen in the school, in the context
of students' learning and the expectation of central office?  Or Are they
all givens?


In the closing circle they spoke from their hearts.  Throughout the day more
topics emerged - one gentleman sat with me and shed a few tears about how
some of the students he works with are treated at home which lead to a
session entitled:  how can we support parents in creating a safe home
environment?  He completely stayed away from blame - amazing.
Administrators said they never see their School Board members so a Board
member posted - How would "you like" to see your relationship and
communication with your Board member?  It was rewarding for them to
articulate their discoveries, the freedom they discovered in the space they


Connections were made, best practices shared, storytelling sessions,
commitment to initiatives.  Before the day was out, one principal was
talking to me about bringing the "family" of schools together at the end of
September - possibly just teachers and administrators and staff in the
beginning.  I have agreed to work with them with the request of a few
teachers to mentor - building internal capacity.  Five or six came up
inquiring about a couple of days of training.  Over 100 left their names for
more info!!  And I've sent that already.  A few suggested mentoring circles
and they got together right away.


One of the Principals in the closing circle said that he is having 100
business cards made with "Whatever happens is the only thing that could" and
giving them to the first 100 parents who complain!!  Yup - that really
brought laughter...


And the group did handwritten reports, is having them typed and I'll have a
copy when done - so I'll keep you posted.



Judith Richardson, MA, BA, BEd, MEC

PONO Consultants International

Optimizing Performace, Potential and Profitability

Phone: 902.434.6695

FAx: 902.435.1085

Winner International Coach of the Year 2004

Nominee Progress Club Woman of Excellence 2005


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