When 9/11 happened, after the immediate shock had worn off, I found myself 
musing -- "Given what I know/have experienced, what can we do now?" I confess 
that the answer to that question was a little slow in coming, but when it did, 
the arrival occurred pretty much in the nature of a blinding flash of the 
obvious. Open Space! And I did my best to spell out the details in what became, 
"The Practice of Peace." This time around, the old mind seems to have worked a 
little bit faster -- or maybe the obvious was just a bit more obvious -- and 
the answer is precisely the same. Open Space!

The conditions are absolutely perfect. We have a real clear issue: "Rebuilding 
a shattered society." Lots of diversity in terms of those involved, their 
opinions and needs. Mountains of complexity, plenty of conflict, and for sure 
the decision time was yesterday. In terms of Open Space, it just doesn't get 
any better than that. And as we all know, OS is fast, cheap, and effective -- 
exactly what you need in a situation approaching total disaster. 

Ok -- now what? It might feel real good if a whole bunch of us jumped on 
planes, trains and cars. We might even get our faces on the Evening News, but I 
doubt it would do much good. If nothing else, our presence would only add to 
the burdens of region scarcely able to carry itself. But there are other ways.

To make a start, we need only two things. First, points of contact where we 
might do some good. And second, the people and recourses to serve the need. 
Knowing something of the quality and dedication of the people on OSLIST, I feel 
comfortable in saying that the second need has already been met. We are the 
people, and we can find the resources. But the Points of Contact may take a 
little thinking. We don't need to have a lot, and certainly not a full array 
all across the Gulf States. Just one or two would do for a start.

There are 450 people on this list. There is only one person that I can think of 
(and I can't remember his name) who actually lives in New Orleans. But in this 
wonderful electronic world in which we live, physical proximity isn't the only 
thing. Each one of us knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody. . . 
A simple note of invitation and support passed along "the grape vine," could 
reach the receptive spot. We might share our notes just to give each other 
ideas and inspiration -- no need to sell Open Space. Just talk about what it 
does -- simply, personally and briefly.

And when we reach that receptive spot -- I for one promise to offer whatever 
service or support that lies in my power to give.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD  20854
207-763-3261 (summer)
website www.openspaceworld.com

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