
I'm very sorry to hear you missed us!

You were in the right place.  A small group of us were there!  We
installed ourselves in the back area.  I arrived early and found Marei at
about 6:30.  The group got to about 8 people.  It was an interesting group
of folks.  Some came an hour by train to join the group and many were very
new to OS.

For me, it was good just to know that there's an OS community in NYC that
might actually start connecting (though others may be connecting already).

We struggled a bit with how to have a conversation, but found our way with
a little help from the OS process itself (and Marei!).

The only conclusion seemed to be that someone should organize the next
one, which would be in a couple of months.  (There is, apparently, some
traditions elsewhere that these Stammtisch happen on the first Monday of
every odd month.  No one there last night was strongly attached to that
schedule, though, as far as I could tell.)

I also want to acknowledge Marei's wonderful instigation to get this going
here in NYC!  Danka, Marei!

So, for those that missed it, stay tuned.  Something was started, and it
will likely continue in some way.


On Mon, 5 Sep 2005 22:23:14 EDT, Esther Ewing <> wrote:

>I went but no one was there. I waited by the hostess for half  an hour but
>couldn't recognize anyone from our group. I hope I went to the right
place but
>didn't see anyone between 7 and 7:30 that I recognized.
>Did I have the right time and date? 7 pm at Cosi at 13th and  6th?
>Oh well, another time perhaps...
>Esther Ewing
>The Change Alliance - Building Organizational  Capability
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