In a message dated 9/5/05 11:44:31 PM, writes:

> So while I know it is a stretch to get action planning into a one day, and 
> work hard to help sponsors stretch to that extra half day…for the times when 
> that just isn’t possible, I am beginning to believe that I need to continue 
> to work at a form that will support the grounding effect of action planning 
> for one day events.  Something that is both graceful and respectful of where 
> participants are at after a day of meaningful conversation. 


Not sure what you meant by 'form', but there is a physical form (very 
pedestrian) that I have used to great effect.   We doubled the productivity of 
entire mill in one year, 20 people meeting weekly and concluding with the 
following form filled out.   I don't know how to send a form, so am just 
it verbally, it's very simple.

sheet of paper, usually 8-1/2 x 11, sometimes easel sized if we wanted to 
write more.

Left hand column, maybe 1 1/2 inches wide headed by the word "WHO"

Middle column, probably 6 inches in width, headed by "WILL DO WHAT"          

Right hand column, remaining width, usually about 1 inch, headed by "BY WHEN"

Very simple.

Then, in each meeting, the person(s) responsible under "WHO" would report all 
their actions and accomplishments and the next steps they were taking, and 
answered questions.   Their names could and did appear under different areas of 
expertise and responsibility but they reported on all their named actions as a 
block.   We finished in 3 hours and the results were out and posted one hour 
later for all to see.   26 different spots in the mill complexes.   Then the 
teams could see what had been done and what had been committed to and get busy 
getting it done.


Paul Everett

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