Dear Open Space Friends,

Claudia and I are very excited to announce our third Open Strategic
Conversations workshop to be held immediately prior to the US Open Space on
Open Space at the Mercer Hotel in San Antonio.  If you know of anyone who
might be interested in our workshop, please send this along to them or let
us know so that we can send an attachment of the flyer below.  Thanks.

We just completed this training with 90 volunteers who will be holding the
space for the Girl Scout National Convention in October.  We had a blast and
got all of our planning done in three days for opening the space for up to
2,000 national delegates and holding hundreds of Strategy Café conversations
for thousands of girls and adults who care about the future of Girl

Christine Whitney Sanchez

2717 E. Mountain Sky Avenue

Phoenix, AZ  85048-8990

Claudia Haack

606 Orchard Drive
Madison, WI  53711

KAIROS Alliance Inc.

NOW is the time!  Kairos Time.

Open Strategic Conversations
Experiential Learning Workshop
  November 9 – 11, 2005 -San Antonio, Texas

Open Strategic Conversations is a unique experiential learning workshop
being held immediately before the 2005 US Open Space on Open Space in San
Antonio Texas.  Claudia Haack and Christine Whitney Sanchez invite you to
join them on a journey of shared action learning.   As you practice two
large group methods: Open Space Technology and World Café, you will learn
about the theory behind them, their unique strengths, and when and where to
apply them. These tools are being used around the world, appreciating the
wisdom of each individual while tapping into the intelligence of the whole
for superior results.  With a combined experience of over two decades and
grounded in appreciative approaches, Claudia and Christine have taught and
used Open Space Technology and World Cafe in Europe, Latin America and the
USA to help organizations and communities open strategic conversations
around issues and opportunities that matter.

 The Methods

      Open Space Technology quickly enables any group of people, to tap into
the collective intelligence of the whole.  This method leverages each person
’s passion while calling forth a corresponding commitment to take
responsibility for action.  In Open Space gatherings, participants create
and manage their own agenda of parallel working sessions around a central
theme of strategic importance.  By the end of an Open Space Technology
meeting, what was most important to the participants has been discussed and
recorded, next steps have been identified and commitments for action have
been made.

      World Café gathers people at tables to engage in conversations that
matter.  This easy to use method for fostering collaborative dialogue,
particularly in large groups, keeps people moving, thinking, engaging in
constructive discourse and building on one another’s ideas as they rotate
from table to table.   World Café is used to engage people, especially those
who don’t know one another, in authentic conversation to generate input,
share knowledge and conduct in-depth exploration of key strategic challenges
or opportunities in a very short period of time.

Workshop Objectives
  a.. Change agents, executives, group leaders, project managers, planners
gain tools that support self-organization.
  b.. Through experiential learning, gain a working knowledge of the World
Café and Open Space Technology methods.
  c.. Engage in a World Café as part of a visioning process.
  d.. Participate in an Open Space Technology meeting as part of a design
and planning process.
  e.. Design a project to take home that will use these methods.

Registration Information

REGISTRATION:      Please contact Claudia Haack at 608.288.8315 or

FEES:                          Early Bird Registration by September 7, 2005:

                                    Regular Registration after September 7,
2005: $1,050

Special Discount Registration for Girl Scouts and La Leche League:  $750.
La Leche League participants may be able to receive funding to help defray
their costs by proposing projects.  Please go to

 to find out more.

DEPOSITS:                Deposit Due at Registration: $150, remainder due no
later than November 1, 2005

CANCELLATION:     Cancellations received by October 7, 2005 will receive a
full refund.

For cancellations received after October 7, 2005 a processing fee of $150
will be charged.  Cancellations after October 25th are non-refundable.

HOTEL:                      The workshop will be held at the Menger Hotel,
San Antonio, Texas. Please make your room reservations directly with the
hotel.  A block of rooms has been reserved under “Open Strategic
Conversations” for the special rate of $ 99 single/double per night.  These
rates are available until October 7, 2005.  Please call reservations at
210-223-4361.  For more information about the hotel, see their website at .

Workshop Faculty

Christine Whitney Sanchez from Phoenix, Arizona, has over 25 years of
experience as an organizational consultant, facilitator and coach in the US
and internationally.  Whether it is whole systems change, project driven
workshops or experiential learning events, Christine’s clients appreciate
her focus on letting individual wisdom and collective intelligence emerge
for passionate action on behalf of the whole. Claudia Haack from Madison,
Wisconsin, is an international consultant specializing in process design for
broad participation, stakeholder involvement, and collaborative learning
events.  She draws on her extensive experience as a division manager, city
planner and event coordinator to help communities and organizations achieve
exceptional results.

Open Space Technology, World Café and Appreciative Inquiry are at the heart
of Christine’s and Claudia’s work together in Opening Strategic
Conversations.  Specializing in large group methods involving up to 2000
participants, their clients include Motorola, Girl Scouts, La Leche League,
United States Postal Service, churches, Arizona Diamondback Baseball Club,
universities, Red Cross, hospitals, and city and state governments.

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