I thought you might be interested in this month's Virtual Chautauqua session
with Michael Ray!

Book Description
The Highest Goal reveals the secret discovered by thousands of people who
have taken the author's Stanford Business School creativity course: that
living from the highest goal produces power, inspiration, and guidance that
helps one persist even through the worst of times, and ultimately leads to
success. The book combines practical business advice with spiritual
motivation and creative insights. In addition, it discusses proven steps
that people can use on a daily basis to take a personal stand and turn the
chaos of difficult times into a complete and fulfilling life.

>>From the Publisher
Dubbed "the most creative man in Silicon Valley" by Fast Company magazine,
Michael Ray created and taught Stanford University's celebrated Personal
Creativity in Business course for 25 years.

>>From the beginning, Ray's course had a more profound impact on graduates
than he'd ever intended. They seemed to blossom, to have access to some
secret source of energy and inspiration. They found new ways to contribute
to their organizations, thrived on diversity, fought gracefully, treated
others with compassion, acceptance, appreciation, and respect. As one
graduate put it, "This is transformation that works and lasts."

Ray came to realize that his creativity course was helping people discover
what he calls their "highest goal"-the one force that gives real meaning to
your life, that speaks to the very core of your being. It's what makes you
feel connected, motivated and sustained. It has nothing to do with worldly
success or achievement, but Ray found that all of the successful people who
had been through his course had a sustained connection to it. In fact, it
was what they ultimately attributed their success to.

Here, through practical exercises, stories and reflections, Ray helps you
discover your own highest goal. By getting in touch with this inner
resource, following a path in tune with it, and letting it inform your every
decision, you'll vastly improve not only your own life, but also the lives
of everyone around you. Ray shows you how to open this inner font of
creativity, compassion, and courage.

About the Author
Michael Ray is the first John G. McCoy-Banc One Corporation Professor of
Creativity and Innovation and of Marketing (Emeritus) at Stanford
University's Graduate School of Business. He is a social psychologist and
the author of numerous books, including Creativity in Business (with
Rochelle Myers), The Path of the Everyday Hero (with Lorna Catford), and The
Creative Spirit (with Daniel Goleman and Paul Kaufman), the companion book
to the PBS series inspired by his course. He lives his highest goal not only
in his work life but also as a husband, father, grandfather, spiritual
student, and meditation teacher. He has consulted and lectured widely and
has served as a director of a major retailer, a food company, a catalog
company, a start-up airline, and three companies in the communication
industry. He works with an active group of teachers to bring the principles
of this book to organizations and individuals worldwide.

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* lisa

Lisa kimball
Group Jazz, Suite 440
5335 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington, DC 20015 USA
P: +1 202.686.4848
F: +1 202.966.3772
E: l...@groupjazz.com

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