To our good friends!

Now's the time--for you to register for the US regional OSonOS in San 
Antone. There were about 30 of us last year, a wonderfully diverse and 
spirited group!

Come be with us this year.

                              :-Doug. Germann
                              Seeking people making community change.


PLEASE JOIN US for . . .

An Open Space on Opening More Space in the USA - November 12-14th in San 

...for managers, facilitators and other business and community leaders 
interested in a deeper exploration of the issues and opportunities related to 
using Open Space Technology (OST) in organizations and living in a chaotic, 
self-organizing, Open Space world.

Open Space Technology: What has it been? What is it now? And where can it 
lead us next? Where are our growing edges? What have we learned? And what is 
now possible? How can it work with your people, in your organization? How can 
it help address your most important strategic and operating issues? These are 
just some of the questions that come to mind as we consider all of the Issues 
and Opportunities for Opening More Space in American organizations and 
communities. Please join us with your own specific questions, issues and 

This meeting is for networking and supporting each other, for learning about 
and implementing OST in the USA. As there is much activity going on elsewhere 
in the world, this gathering is specifically focused on the practice of OST 
in the United States. Please do invite persons from your community, 
foundation, government agency, association or business who have expressed 
interest in considering using Open Space as one way to make their next 
meeting better.

We expect and invite people and conversations at all levels of experience -- 
from curious newcomers to curmudgeonly veterans. Please note that this is not 
a training event, you'll be responsible for your own learning -- and the 
opportunities for that will be tremendous! Be prepared to raise your own 
questions, issues and opportunities for implementing OST -- and to share your 
own life and work experiences. We expect and invite a wealth of learning and 
contribution, shared stories and new experiments.


    * Saturday, November 12th: Gather in the hotel lobby for dinner out 
together. Please mail if you'd like to join us! 
(separate checks) I'll make a reservation at a nearby restaurant for us.
    * Sunday, November 13th: Gather at 8:30 AM, Opening at 9:00 AM, Evening 
News at 4:30 PM
    * Monday, November 14th: Morning News at 8:30 AM and Closing Circle at 
3:00 PM. 


The meetings will be held at the Menger Hotel, 204 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, 
Texas 78205. For direction and to learn more about the hotel, visit


To reserve a room, contact the Menger Hotel directly by phone (1-800-345-9285 
before October 12, 2005. Be sure to mention you're with the Open Space in the 
U.S.A. group to get our special $99 rate. After October 12 remaining rooms in 
our block will be released and although you may be able to reserve a room, 
you may have to pay a higher prevailing rate.

More on the Menger plus tourist information

If you can't get into the Menger, or you want to save a little money, try The 
Crockett Hotel just a narrow side street away from the Menger's side 
entrances. Check it out at Phone: 1-800-292-1050 
Although the web page does not reflect this, the Crockett's sales manager 
told me they are supposed to be renovating their kitchens in November and 
even if we reserved rooms there, meetings and meals would have to be taken 
care of by the Menger. There are plenty of other nearby places to eat. Just 
didn't want you to expect room service and perhaps find it unavailable.


The fee for the conference runs on a sliding scale from $60 to $150. Please 
pay what you are able and feels right to you. These fees will cover meeting 
space, materials, breakfast Sunday and Monday and some snacks. Anything left 
over will be offered as funding for community project(s) that we will develop 
during the conference or will be given to the Open Space Institute USA. 
Conference organizers are working as volunteers, as their contribution to the 
practice of OST in the US.

To Register: Send your contact information, a few lines of biography and your 
interest in Open Space to We'll post 
this info online for pre- and post-conference connecting.

To Make Your Payment: visit or send a check 
to Diana Lewis, Box 1399, Leakey TX 78873-1399.


These meetings are intended for anyone who wishes to begin or continue 
learning about the practice of OST, which is an essential part of any 
transformation process in communities, in organizations and in our lives. 
After completing your own registration and making your reservations for 
lodging, extend this invitation to others who might want to learn about past 
successes and new possibilities for working with Open Space Technology.

Consider some pre-event studying, in books or online. Experienced OST users, 
actively opening spaces anywhere in the USA, may want to browse the new 
resources at or review Harrison Owens books, 
including his latest, The Practice of Peace. If you are new to OST, please 
get familiar with the basics as set forth in Harrison Owens book Open Space 
Technology: A Users Guide(Barrett-Koehler Publisher). To order books online, 


Contact any of the following co-conveners of this event...

    * Barbara Emanuel - Santa Cruz CA
    * John Engle - - Hershey PA
    * Ted Ernst - - Chicago IL
    * Douglas Germann - - Mishawaka IN
    * Lisa Heft - - Berkeley CA (I'm won't 
be able to join you as I'll be working during these dates but have the *best* 
time and a warm hello to San Antonio! - LisaHeft)
    * Michael Herman - - Chicago IL
    * Sheila Isakson - - Milwaukee WI
    * Diana Lewis - - Leakey TX
    * Linda Ximenes - - San Antonio TX
    * Metta Zetty - - San Antonio TX 

===You are whole

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