Yesterday, I opened space at the PNSQC conference in Portland OR. (Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference) Ellen Gottesdiener (copied on this email) opened space in July at the Agile 2005 conference, also software-related. In both of those the OS ran concurrently with other sessions. Here in the NW we are planning another software-related regional conference (XP Fest NW) for next spring to be all Open Space, all the time. ;-)

The first time I saw Open Space in a conference setting in 2002 (?), Michael Hermann opened it for the XP/Agile Universe.

It's not the ideal way to facilitate Open Space, but it makes for a more enjoyable and rich conference, IMHO. The more conferences I attend with Open Space tracks, the more impatient I get with powerpoint presentations. :-) Another thing I've noticed in conferences that regularly include Open Space...the senior folks and "gurus" tend to show up there and become more accessible than in more formal sessions.


Diana Larsen   503-288-3550

I'll be at the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference in Portland OR USA, Oct 10-12, 2005. They are ready to accept registrations! Sign up now for a great conference:

Other Upcoming Events:
- Open Workshop with Diana Larsen, Esther Derby & Ken Schwaber
  "The Secrets of  Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills"
   Dec. 6-8, 2005, Portland OR USA

On Oct 12, 2005, at 12:54 AM, Mark Pixley wrote:

I need some brief case studies about using OST in a Commercial Conference situation.
I will be talking with a conference organize next week and I want to give some examples where OST has been used rather than the typical talking head/preset speakers type of presentation format.
I know HO story about the start of OST and will certainly utilize it.  However, if you have other examples, it would be appreciated.  Or, talking about how/why OST should be used in this type of situation.
Mark Pixley
Managing Director
Facilitating Organizational Change in Greater China
Tel: 86-755-82111366
Mob: 86-13825200514

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