Dear Paul,
Thanks for having the courage for going against the grain and giving
us a "heads up" (a warning).

It all comes down to one's spiritual practice.

It is very humbling to hear what you have said.

I think back to the tone of your User's Guide, Harrison. I recall when
I first read it that I heard a tone of "Hey, this OST facilitation is
easy. Anyone can do it. It's simple. It's fun. It's a cinch."

I don't think you necessarily wanted to convey that message, but
that's the message I took to heart.

And what I find is that the deeper one gets into os, the further we
are invited to jump off the pole into a bottomless well, the more we
are invited to lose that we may then be found.

You mentioned how one consultant said that OST must be the greatest
scam invented-- you get paid and the client does the work.

That story makes me think that OS is one of the greatest ways of
tricking somebody into developing a spiritual practice. To do this work well
there is no other way. And sometimes that's scary.

Grounding. grounding. grounding.


Raffi Aftandelian wrote 25 октября 2005 г., 10:09:25:

> Dear colleagues,

> I am somewhat reluctant to offer up this thought because it goes
> counter, or at least somewhat against the grain, of the thrust of
> the discussion on "needing a day of rest after conducting an OS".  
> Nonetheless, perhaps it has some truth in it, even if many of you
> aren't experiencing it.

> One of my life teachers was a man, a mining engineer from South
> Africa.   One of the finest, deepest minds on philosophy, psychology
> and general spiritual awareness I have been blessed to have known.  
> It was his contention that if we feel tired after leading an event,
> and needed time to 'recover', it was because We (ego) were trying to
> do it, and not letting spirit do the work.   Not fully surrendering
> to the now, without attachment to outcome. Our anxiety about outcome
> produced the exhaustion.   His contention was that we should be
> feeling exhilarated, infused, energized by an event where spirit was
> in charge and being released, most especially in the workplace.   It
> seems to me that OS is about as close to 'letting spirit do it' as
> I've experienced.   Why, then, is the circle opener (convenor?)
> tired?   Just something I've been pondering.

> Sincerely,

> Paul Everett  



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