Hello to all, specially the Dutch speaking members on this list, 
With pleasure I invite you to the practioner training "Organising and
facilitating Large Scale Interventions" of the SoL Academy Netherlands.
SoL Academy is part of the Society for Organisational Learning (see
www.solonline.org and www.solonline.nl), so fees are low. The focus in
the training is on the principles of LSI:

*       system thinking (past, present and future are connected; parts
can not be changed without influencing the whole; looking for dynamic
*       involvement and participation of stakeholders in all stages of
the process
*       action learning and real time change
*       development of capacity for self-organising, looking for new
forms of leadership

cartoon made by Mark de Koning
The training is modelled around the question "what can the LSI-approach
add to my practice". We start with a two-day training on 8 and 9
december 2005 and continue with applications in your own practice,
reflecting on and sharing experiences along the route in two sessions of
1 day, with time-intervals of a few month (time and place to be choosen
together). Open Space Technology takes an in important part of the
training. But participants wil get to know (better) other Large Group
Intervention methods like World Café, Real Time Strategic Change and
Future Search too. 
Read more about our vision on LSI and the practioner training on
www.largescaleinterventions.com , or just contact one of us.

Please pass this message along to those you think will benefit from this
training (which will be in Dutch) or the website (which will be in
English soon). 


Tonnie van der Zouwen and Peter Strobosch

Drs. Tonnie van der Zouwen MCM 

Beneluxlaan 66
5251 LE Vlijmen 
The Netherlands

Internet:        +31 73 - 51 11 600 
+31 73 - 51 11 595
+ 31 6 - 50 69 79 82  <mailto:i...@tonnievanderzouwen.nl> 
 <http://www.tonnievanderzouwen.nl> www.tonnievanderzouwen.nl 

Peter Strobosch
Drachtenpad 14
6835 KC Arnhem
The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)26 4820122
Mobile +31 (0)6 28067422
Fax +31 (0)26 4820124
Email  <mailto:pe...@alaya.nl> pe...@alaya.nl
Website  <http://www.alaya.nl/> www.alaya.nl

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