Lisa¹s story reminded me of how I think OS has changed my everyday practice.
After practicing open space and reading this list for some time, I find
myself very aware of thinking of many things in terms of
³invitation²--inviting people to participate, inviting ownership, etc.  Even
when I am not using ³OST², I am trying to use invitations to ³open space².

Jennifer Hurley

On 11/10/05 7:50 AM, "Tonnie van der Zouwen" <>

> Hi Lisa, all, 
> Great work you are doing with Open Space (or with the principles of Open
> Space). Thank you for sharing. The stories in this OSlist inspire me to go on
> with spreading the approach, because it realy works. In all sectors and with a
> wide range of questions.
> Like Harrison I am amazed about the richness of the experiences and the
> sources you all bring in. It is of  great help to me in promoting the use of
> Open Space and other Large Scale change methods based on the same principles.
> I just linked our website to the OSliste and some stories, like that of Kenny
> Moore. 
> Michael Pannwitz drawed my attention to the fact that in the Netherlands there
> is no stammtisch yet. Maybe we can start one next year?
> Tonnie
>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>> Van: OSLIST  [] Namens Lisa  Heft
>> Verzonden: woensdag 9 november 2005 23:33
>> Aan:
>> Onderwerp: Talking Circle in  Prison
>> Hi, all  ­
>> I just wanted to share  that last week I was working inside two women¹s
>> prisons in Central  California.
>> One of the things I was  doing was training inmates who are peer health
>> educators ­ on a new curriculum  I developed that teaches other inmates who
>> are about to be released about  HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, sexually transmitted
>> diseases, how substance use affects  disease transmission and progression,
>> self-esteem, and communication in  relationships.
>> The other thing I did was  the reason I was thinking of you all ­ I also
>> attend the annual prison health  fair at several prisons, where I set up a
>> circle of chairs so people can just  talk and converse and ask questions
>> about absolutely anything that is  important to them.  Because that is
>> health, too.
>> So this last time I had  the pleasure of hosting an all-day talking circle.
>> Or maybe I should call it a listening  circle?

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